Thursday, December 26, 2019
Effective Communication Across Cultures Relating Business...
Introduction Establishing and maintaining good relations with others and particularly the customers and potential customers is very important in becoming a successful business person in whichever sector one is engaged in; be it technology or finance. However, due to global cultural differences, companies may face several challenges when aiming to expand and become more competent in the market. Therefore, one should seek diverse cultural knowledge from a certain environment before engaging ones business in that specific area. The focus of this study will be on how to relate business with a member from the Indian community. To achieve maximum results in communication, one has to focus first on the background of Indians as far as business is concerned. For starters, we learn that Indians have a diverse culture with 16 different official languages. One would find it extremely exhausting to have to learn all the 16 languages in order to convey clear and concise messages; however, Indians have had to embrace the English language. The opportunity for expansion of companies is quite promising in the Indian market. Indians still hold to the caste system thus makes sure that a hierarchy is maintained within the structure of business. Since most companies are family businesses, one individual from the family who has a strong will is chosen to head and is the one who is entitled to pass down instructions in an authoritarian manner. The instructions are to be followed to the letterShow MoreRelatedHrm Practices at Inf osys14494 Words  | 58 Pagescountry in many HR surveys in the recent years. The company is well known for its employee friendly HR practices. Though Infosys has grown to become a US $ 2 billion company by the year 2006, it has still retained the culture of a small company. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
British Politics During The Lifetime Of Newton - 1069 Words
a. What were British politics during the lifetime of Newton? Before Isaac Newton was born, King Charles I was driven out of London by mobs and had to seek refuge in Nottingham, which was just a few miles away from Woolsthorpe, Newton’s soon-to-be hometown (Guillen, 1995, p. 13). While King Charles I was there, he declared war over who/what was going to govern Englandâ€â€Parliament or the royal sovereign (Gullien, 1995, p.13). However, this war was more like a war between â€Å"heaven and earth†because kings and queens were supposedly selected by God himself and peasants were just â€Å"mere mortals†who â€Å"inhabited the earthly realm†(Gullien, 1995, p. 13-14). Parliament wanted King Charles I to relinquish his control over church and state because the religious intolerance and the heavy taxes. Sadly, Newton’s father was called out to be a part of King Charles I army and died before Issac Newton was born (Gullien, 1995, p.14). While Newton was a young child, England’s civil war was still raging (Gullien, 1995, p. 16). His hometown of Woolsthorpe had been captured. Nevertheless, Newton went to school like every other child. However, Newton’s world was soon turned upside down, when he heard the news that the Puritan-dominated Parliament had defeated the king’s armies and had beheaded King Charles I (Gullien, 1995, p. 16). Newton did not like Parliamentarians. Later on, during Newton’s teen years, Parliament created strict rules of behavior. For example, they outlawed almost all manner ofShow MoreRelatedEnlightenment Influences on American Ideals Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesReason as it was called had begun to rapidly spread across Europe. People began believing in the ideals of popular government, the centrality of economics to politics, secularism, and progress. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Research Proposal On Smart Health and Well-Being- MyAssignment Help
Question: Task i Select a research theme from any of the following themes:1. Impact of diversity on health and social care provision2. Health and wellbeing3. Healthcare service improvement4. Personal hygiene5. Stress factors among college students6. The importance of teamwork in health and social careTask iiEach individual member of each group should now choose a research topic within the research theme and write a research proposal to be presented as a word document,and submit it in a submission folder for your group on STPonline.Note: Prepare a one or two page(s) plan of your research proposal for formative assessment.(NB: Your proposal,which should not be less than 1000 words and not more than 1100 words,must first be approved before you conduct your research project.) Tips for Part 1: Describe the type(s) of research method(s) and toolsyou would use to gather your research data (also known as primary data). Outline the specifications of your research. Also, clearly define the aims, objectives, ra tionale for choosing your research topic and timelines for your research tasks. Outline the resources at your disposal for this research. Explain the role of ethical codes and ethics committees in research and prepare a consentform for participants of your research. Undertake literature search on your chosen research topic and note down key references in text and in a reference list.Formulate and record possible research project outline specificationsIdentify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selectionUndertake a critical review of key referencesProduce a research project specificationProvide an appropriate plan and proceduresfor the agreed research specificationMatch resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis. Answer: Introduction Health and well being is state of positive outcomes that helps in shaping the meaning full life of the society. Health and well being comprise of good living conditions such as cleanliness and disease free are the fundamental to well being (, 2015). 1) Rationale The basic reason for choosing this particular topic is the importance of health and well being of the individual while living in the society. The study will takes through the state of well being from current mentality of the individuals to the awareness among the society. The study also focuses on the various theories and concepts of heath and well being in order to elevate the role of well being over the period of time. 2) Aims One of the major aims of the topic is to analyse the well being within the society. The research has selected Glasgow community for the research of health and well being in order to analyses the health and well being factor in more focused way. Apart from that, the research will also aim to study the mind of the families and their decision making for any product/services. 3) Objectives To analyse the role played by the health and well being factors for community within the Glasgow To assess the challenges faced by the families in order to maintain healthy living within the Glasgow community To recommend the better factors that will be helpful for the community in future 4) Research questions 1. What are the roles played by the health and well being factor within the Glasgow community? 2. What are challenges faced by the community during the time of maintain the health and well being? 3. What are the factors that will help to overcome the challenges of health and well being? 2 Literature review 1) Concept of well being In UK, concept of health and well being is taken very seriously and oftenly taken as the stress research. Health and well being is also connected with positive impact of work and knowledge of health within the environment (Jesson, 2011). In UK, health and wellness is given top most priority and follows the stated measures of protocol to maintain the healthy living. Focusing on health and mental well being is being recognized by the fact that individuals remain healthy despite of overpowering stress (, 2015). Figure 1: Factors of health and well being (Source: Moule and Hek, 2011, pp-121) 2) Mental health and emotional well being: As noted by Bass (2011), the mental illness is another major cause of the poor and weak living. Mental illness will turn into the emotional problems within the individuals (Kaplan and Kaplan, 2011). There are five major promoting qualities which will help to focus on the elements of well beings are environmental quality in which individuals lives, self esteem, emotional processing, self management skills and Social participations etc are some of the major areas that is needed to be focused in order to bring the street free environment (Kahneman and Deaton, 2010). 3) Meditations management Most of the community are entering into the meditations daily in order keep themselves more of fit and healthy. As opined by Pollock (2002), medication helps to keep the mental and physical part of the body more of energetic and the positive. Another major part of it is healthy eating. The nutritions research evidence shows that adequate safe supply of food is required to the different life stages of maintain the functional capacity of the healthy ageing people (, 2015). Mediations management also has been one of the better ways of curing from the diseases rather than use of other use of the medicines drugs. Research methodology 1) Data collections techniques: (Quantitative and Qualitative data) Qualitative data helps in creating the theoretical concepts in the practical field which helps to understand the topic in a better way (Levine, 2005). Quantitative data collection is first hand data which can be collected via on flied investigations. Therefore, in this study, mixed approach will be required (Bryman, 2012). 2) Sampling The sample for the quantitative approach which will be collected from the families residing in Glasgow for which simple random probability sample will be considered where the criteria is not fixed., Parkhead health care doctors are being considered for the qualitative research (Creswell, 2013). For quantitative 100 families of Glasgow will be considered and for qualitative 5 major doctors are to be considered. 3) Data analysis For the quantitative form of questionnaire, closed ended survey questionnaire will distributed among the 120 families out of which 100 will be considered via random probability sampling. On the other hand for qualitative data, 5 doctors of park head hospital will be taken in the form of open ended questions. For qualitative data collection appointment will be taken from the doctors. 4) Data presentations The data will be presented separately in a form of table for the quantitative data collection. Data presentation will be numerical data in a wide variety of publications from the questionnaire (Ghani and Jan, 2010). The section will be appropriate to discuss the design issues for constructing the tables in clear format which will be easy for interpretations. 5) Limitations of study One of the major limitations of the study was cost because SPSS and PH stat2 software will give chances of error free calculations. Apart from that, time is other major constraints because the time allotted for the study is less so the in-depth analysis will be of the topic will be less (Cameron, 2009). Lastly, respondent involvement in the process were been biased towards their locality and areas they live in so the reliability of data will another major constraints. 6) Overcoming the limitations The limitation can be overcome via asking by the permission from the college and professor for the help and time extension of the project. Apart from that, by the excel sheet, data will analysis would give accurate form of calculations but not in-depth error free. 8) Ethical considerations It is code of conduct that is needed dot followed which help to anlayse the wrong and right set of behvaiour. Respondents will not be coerced or external influence is done to attain the data. Secondly, data which will be gained via study will strictly used for study purpose not for the commercial purposes (Bryman, 2012). Lastly, respondents name and address is maintained secret in order to save from any kind of harm. Reference list Books Levine, D.M. (2005). Statistics for Managers using Microsoft Excel. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Bryman, A. (2012).Social Research Methods 4e. 1st ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (ISBN9780199588053) Creswell, J. (2013).Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th ed. London: Sage publication ltd. Jesson, J. (2011) Doingyourliteraturereview: traditional and systematic techniques. London: SAGE. Moule, P. and Hek, G. (2011).Making Sense of Research: An Introduction for Health and Social Care. 4th ed. London: Sage publications ltd. Walliman, N.S.R. (2011) Research methods: the basics. London: Routledge Wisker, G. (2009).The Undergraduate Research Handbook - Palgrave Study Skills (Paperback). 1st ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.(ISBN9780230520974). Journals Ghani, U. and Jan, F.A., (2010). An Exploratory Study of the Impulse Buying Behaviour of Urban Consumers in Peshawar. In International Conference on Business and Economics, 1: 157-159. Cameron, R. (2009). 'A sequential mixed model research design: design, analytical and display issues', International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 140-152 Bass, L. (2011). Social Focus on Health and Childrens Well-being*. Sociological Inquiry, 81(4), pp.495-498. Kaplan, R. and Kaplan, S. (2011). Well-being, Reasonableness, and the Natural Environment. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 3(3), pp.304-321. Pollock, D. (2002). "Being Alive Well": Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being.:"Being Alive Well": Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 16(3), pp.382-383. Smith, A. (2011). Breakfast Cereal, Digestive Problems and Well-being. Stress and Health, 27(5), pp.388-394. Kahneman, D. and Deaton, A. (2010). High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(38), pp.16489-16493. Websites, (2015). Healthy ageing literature review 2012. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Wellbeing self-assessment - Health tools - NHS Choices. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2015]. Appendix Appendix 1 Sample Quantitative form of questionnaire: families A list of Questionnaire: for families of Glasgow Name: Age: Location: Contact No. Email ID: 1.How many people living in your household? 2. How often do you smoke or drink? Appendix: 2 A list of Questionnaire: For doctors of Parkhead health care Name: Age: Location: Contact No. Email ID: What is the importance of health and well being for families residing in Glasgow? How meditation and medication plays crucial role in influencing the families to take care of themselves?
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Great Wall Essays - Great Wall Of China, Megastructures, Walls
The Great Wall In the year 221 B.C.E., there was a great ruler over the Ch'in kingdom in China, named Shih Huang Ti. Shih was power hungry and wanted more land so he gathered his army and captured the surrounding kingdoms. As the ruler of so many kingdoms he became the first emperor of China. Shih showed his tyranny when he burned all history books to insure that his people and future generations would only remember him and none of the earlier rulers. He had a strong army but the fierce tribes north of China, the Mongols and the Huns, were stronger. These nomadic tribes would come into China and steal crops and animals and then destroy everything left behind. Shih was very disturbed with these invasions, so in the year 214 B.C.E. he freed prisoners and gathered workers and herds of animals. He gave all this to Meng T'ien, his loyal general. Meng and the men and animals were sent north to fortify Shih's kingdoms from invading armies. Shih planned to make a great wall by extending and enlarging preexisting walls made by previous rulers. This great wall would serve as a barricade to keep out all tribes that wanted to invade China. It also served to separate the civilized acts of the farmers in China to the barbaric acts of the nomadic tribes. What Shih did not know was that the construction would cause many deaths and much suffering to the builders of the wall. The wall which Meng and his men created had watchtowers, forty feet tall, every two hundred yards. The purpose of these towers was to alert the defending soldiers of approaching, attacking tribes. The soldiers at the towers signalled to each other by day using smoke signals, waving flags, blowing horns, and ringing bells; by night by lighting firework-like objects in the sky. The wall, itself, was approximately fifteen hundred miles long, thirty feet high and, at the base, twenty-five feet thick. It was made of the core of earth and gravel. Actually, it was two walls aligned with each other and then filled in with a stone base pounded smooth. The wall traveled over mountains and through valleys. It went from Liatun, on the coast near Korea, westward to the northern end on the Yellow River, southward to Lint'ao to close off the north west area of the empire from the Huns. The great wall is sometimes compared to a dragon with its head in the east and its tail in the west and its winding body. The dragon in China is considered a protective sacredness rather than a destructive creature. The top of the wall is approximately thirteen feet wide so six people riding horses could ride side by side along the top. On the side of the wall there are reliefs, which are two- dimensional figures on the wall. The Great Wall of China took hundreds of years to be totally completed and constantly maintained. As a barricade against invading armies it was very successful at keeping out unwanted people. Unfortunately, in the year 1215 AD, the Mongols came down, under the rule of Genghis Khan, and destroyed major parts of the wall. It took two years of constant fighting, but the Mongols were successful at breaking through the wall. Also, many years later, the Manchus, another strong tribe, penetrated the wall and took over parts of China. During the Ming Dynasty( 1368-1644 A.D.), the Great Wall was repaired by General Xu Da and watchtowers were added by General Qi Jiguang. Most of what tourists see today was made by these two generals. During World War II, the Great Wall was used for the transportation of troops. The Great Wall is so huge that it is the only man made creation which can be seen from the moon. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Delahoye, H.. Drege, J.P.. Wilson, Dick. Zewen, Lou. THE GREAT WALL. New York: Warwick Press, 1987 Huang, Ray. CHINA A MACRO HISTORY. New York: M.E. Sharp Publishers, 1988 Huges-Stanton, Penelope. AN ANCIENT CHINESE TOWN. New York: Warwick Press, 1986 Kalman, Bobbie. CHINA THE LAND. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, 1989 Kan, Lao Po. THE ANCIENT CHINESE. London: Macdonald Educational Holywell House, 1981 Nancarrow, Peter. EARLY CHINA AND THE WALL. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1980 Overbeck, Cynthia. Thompson, Brenda. THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1977 Toy, Sydney. A HISTORY OF FORTIFICATION. London: William Heinemann, 1955
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Radioactive Tracer Definition
Radioactive Tracer Definition A radioactive tracer is a radioactive element or compound added to material to monitor the materials distribution as it progresses through a system. The use of a radioactive tracer is called radiolabeling, which is one form of isotopic labeling. Radioactive Tracer Uses Radioactive tracers form the basis of some medical imaging systems, such as PET scans. Radiolabeling is used in research to trace the path of elements in biochemical reactions and cells. Radioisotopes are also used to track the flow of fluids, particularly in the petroleum and natural gas industry. Examples of Radioactive Tracers Usually, the isotopes chosen for use as radioactive tracers have a short half life. Thus, they are produced via nuclear reactions. Examples of commonly used radioactive tracers include tritium, carbon-11, carbon-14, oxygen-15, fluorine-18, phosphorus-32, sulfur-35, technetium-99, iodine-123, and gallium-67. Sources Fowler, J. S.; Wolf, A. P. (1982). The synthesis of carbon-11, fluorine-18 and nitrogen-13 labeled radiotracers for biomedical applications. Nucl. Sci. Ser. Natl Acad. Sci. Natl Res. Council Monogr. 1982.Rennie, M. (1999). An introduction to the use of tracers in nutrition and metabolism. Proc Nutr Soc. 58 (4): 935–44. doi:10.1017/S002966519900124X
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Find a job when you’re over 50
Find a job when you’re over 50 Today’s job market is increasingly competitive- even for the brightest and most go-getting candidates in the field. If you’re over 50 and looking for a new gig amongst fields of millennials, the current state of job hunting can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re looking to score a job or change your career, don’t panic if you’re a little past the fresh-out-of-undergrad age. It might take you a bit longer to find a good fit and get hired, but it’s possible. Here are some good strategies for finding a fulfilling job- no matter what your age.Dust yourself off.Figure out new trends in your desired field and make sure you’re up on them. Improve your skills as necessary, and update your resume. Emphasize the skills you’ve honed over years in the working world and the unique bundle of expertise and experience you bring to the table. Answer this question: How is your age an asset rather than a liability?Look good.This sounds shallow, but the better groomed and healthier you look, the more vital you will seem. Stay relatively fit. Get a good haircut. Shell out for a well-tailored outfit. People do judge books by their cover, so present yourself in your most ideal package.Reach out to your network.The benefit of your age and experience is the huge number of people that you have gathered into your circle over the years. Make use of the people you know- don’t be shy. Keep your contacts current and make sure to utilize them rather than applying only through online job search boards. It’s still very much a â€Å"who you know†world out there, and you know more than the average job seeker!Don’t fear the interview.A face-to-face meeting is perhaps your best chance to present yourself as seasoned enough to be reliable, but current enough to be an exciting choice to hire. It’s also a great opportunity to show that you wouldn’t be a culture clash- even at your age. Show that youâ€⠄¢re a team player- and humble enough to take your marching orders from a 22-year-old boss.Know your tech inside and out.Don’t just get tech savvy. Show off your knowledge. Let potential hirers know that you own and wield the right devices and that you have a social media presence and are actually adept at working with the various platforms.Don’t forget to negotiate.Your age, position, and experience are actually an asset- don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Once you get to the hiring stage and are discussing compensation, remember that you might be due a higher salary point and even a â€Å"compensation package†rather than the entry-level of your bright-eyed peers. Ask for what the position and your experience deserve without apology. You’ve earned this!Stay positive and persist.Above all, keep a good attitude and don’t get discouraged if things don’t come quickly. It might not happen overnight and you might have to look to a f ew explicitly age-friendly companies or employers to land yourself in the right spot, but you will find something that speaks to you. Put in the work to update yourself for a new economy, and you will land at a place that appreciates you for your age- not in spite of it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is war an inevitable feature of international politics Essay
Is war an inevitable feature of international politics - Essay Example multiplicity of governments are not reduced to one government and international politics transformed to domestic politics." In order for war to begin, a relationship should exist between two parties, as it is a mistake or disagreement in this relationship which leads to war occurrence. So is the growing number of formed relationships due to globalisation increasing the unavoidability of war (1) Fighting is more than only competition between countries, because competition does not inevitably entail a party trying to gain an advantage by dropping their adversary's position. War is more aggressive; it includes conflict and it usually violent. The causes why countries go to war are plentiful and varied; instances include countries going to war to gain or enlarge the territory they possess, in support of other countries, to keep prestige and to defend or advance their economic interests. The goal of war could be disputed to be to show which party is 'stronger' in cases where this is not definite, as weaker countries will frequently be too frightened to fight, and stronger countries won't have a necessity to fight. It was revealed that the closer two countries are in terms of political and cultural features, the lower the opportunity of a war beginning between them. But the great amount of countries around the world means that there is a large quantity of cultures and background, and the alliances formed between like-minded countries are raising the disagreement between the different-minded countries. Donnelly analysed the relationship between international war and the creation of alliances and states that this is where the start of war lies. In general, countries which have lasting formal alliances frequently go through more wars than those nations which do not. And since alliances between major powers often have alliances of other majors powers as opponents, the incidence and size of wars is likely to augment in the following years. (3) There are two main ideas regarding war: that it is natural, and that it is not. The 'rational act' view argues that people are naturally aggressive and hostile, and war is therefore something inherent to humans, and that although war is unpleasant, it is sometimes necessary. Some theorists who regard war as part of human nature have traced it to being a result of our animal descent, or cruelty in an earlier age. Von Bernhadi stated that war is a "biological necessity" and that it was beneficial as it allows the taking away the weaker countries and therefore ensures the continued existence of stronger countries. "War was regarded as a fact of life and as a useful instrument of diplomacy, not as a problem. Peace, considered as an essential condition of international relations, was no preoccupation" (Ceadel 1996) Many European sociologists even consider conflict, and consequently the war, to be serving a positive idea in humanity. On the other hand, in spite of the plentiful claims made about the easiness of war, the facts to support this are too weak. (1) If war is peculiar to humans, then why are wars not conducted between countries at all times Why is it that wars only happen at definite times, and not all the time The contrasting view of war is that it is not innate in humans, but that it is brought about by exterior factors. The examination of the "irrational act"
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Communication 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Communication 2 - Assignment Example The facilitation of nonverbal communication is featured by the use of gestures, body language, facial expression of eye contact etc. Besides these features, the prospect of one person’s speech being different from another by way of voice, style and stress also constitutes to the functioning of nonverbal communication. Similarly, even in written format of communication, there are certain features like handwriting, organization of sentences and the word selection can altogether constitute an insignia of a person’s nonverbal communication elements. The following paragraphs give a clear-cut ideal of the scope, function and practical application of nonverbal communication in different spheres of life. It is also essential to recognize the prominence of the seven aspects of this model of contact between people such as paralanguage, body language, environment, distance, touch, time and eye contact has to be clearly evaluated for their use and management in the practical applic ation of nonverbal communication. Managing nonverbal communication Managing communication in the absence of words is arguably one of the most challenging tasks for the managers of organized groups. It is equally important to manage the feelings and their reflections in the daily life of individuals. There can be many examples of the regular life of individuals in which they have to adopt the process of nonverbal communication aspects. Sometimes a look or a gesture does the role of a great command. In other contexts, body language or time set for a regular action can influence the stakeholders of the process of exchange of information. There can be certain references to prove that the use of words and their pronunciation doubtlessly making the communication easier and more cognitive; however, the transfer of feelings and intellectual significance of a conversation or relationship between individuals is influenced more by non-verbal communication channels than the routine voice based elements. For instance, as Soon (2012) points out, a meeting of two people is specifically garnished by their shaking each other’s hands or by a hugging; in either case, the process of the meeting commences with the routine greeting of the time covering that meeting. From a certain angle of view, it is visibly annoying to find that the absence of such a physical endorsement of feelings makes the communication less effective. In order to manage the communication using the nonverbal media, the communicator has to effectively analyze and make use of his body language, touch and vocal qualities with the careful concern for time, space and situations. Moreover, it may also be regulated and empowered by the use of symbols and graphic pictures developed by the modern technology such as printed documents, visual projects and placards etc (Pecha Kucha 6 minutes 40 seconds). The functional success of a nonverbal medium is directly connected to time and environment at which it is used. If a person winks an eye at a stranger as a gesture of information transfer, it becomes provoking sometimes to the opposite person. For another instance, the combined atmosphere and distance effect in a nonverbal communication event matters to a great extent in the completion of a meaningful transfer of information. In military operations and surgical or scientific experimental environments, the need for gestures as a device is necessary; and the right cognitive effect of this is analysed by the timing of such
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Organizational Project Management Maturity Model Essay Example for Free
Organizational Project Management Maturity Model Essay 1. Introduction Successful implementation of a new organizational strategy can turn a good organization into a great one. Conversely, strategies that fail or generate poor results can quickly damage the organization’s reputation and brand, internally and externally. Effective strategy execution is the responsibility of all levels of management, who must be involved actively and consistently to orchestrate required organizational changes and to manage the portfolio of investments that underpin these change initiatives. The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model is a framework that provides an organization wide view of portfolio management, program management, and project management to support achieving best Practices within each of these domains. This holistic perspective is a powerful tool enabling successful execution of organizational strategies, portfolios, programs, and projects, especially when these transcend functional and hierarchical boundaries. Moreover, OPM3 global best Practices, applied to the execution of strategy, can drive superior and sustainable results. Effective strategy execution is the responsibility of the organization’s strategic planning and governance structures, which must be involved accurately and consistently to orchestrate required organizational changes. They manage the portfolio of investments that underpin these change initiatives. 2. Organizational project management Organizational project management is the systematic management of projects, programs and portfolios in allignment with the achievements of strategic goals. The concept of organizational project management is based on the idea that there is correlation between organization’s capabilities in project management, program management and portfolio management and its effectiveness implementing strategy. Organizational Project Management Project Portfolio Program Strategic Goals * Project – A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. * Program – A group of realated projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. * Portfolio – Acolloection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management to meet strategic business objectives. 3. OPM3 Model OPM3 is an acronym for the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model, a standard wich is developed under the stewardship of the project management institute. The purpose of this standard is to provide a way for organizations to understand organizational project management and to measure their maturity against a comprehensive and broad based set of organizational project management best practices. OPM3 also helps organizations to increase their organizational project management maturity to plan for improvement. 4.1. Primary physical parts of the standard There are three parts; i. Narrative text – presents the OPM3 foundational concepts, with various appendices and glossary ii. Self assessment – provide a tool in support of the assessment step out lined in OPM3 iii. Directories – contain data on nearly 600 organizational project management best practices and their constituent capabilities 4.2. OPM3 Stages There are four sequential stages of process improvement; STANDARDIZE| MEASURE| CONTROL| CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVEMENT| 4. How does the OPM3 work? OPM3 offers the key to organizational project management maturity with three interlocking elements; i. The KNOWLEDGE element lets organizations uncover hundreds of Best Practices and shows them how to use the information available in OPM3. ii. The self ASSESSMENT element is an interactive database tool that lets organizations evaluate their current situation and identify their areas in need of improvement should an organization decided to embark on the path to higher maturity. iii. The IMPROVEMENT element will help map out the steps needed to achieve their goals. * KNOWLEDGE element which drives Assessment * ASSESSMENT element which in turn drives Improvement * IMPROVEMENT element. 5. Benefits of OPM3 to the organization I. It bridges the gap between strategy and individual project. II. It provides a comprehensive body of knowledge regarding what constitutes best practices in organizational project management. III. By using OPM3, an organization can determine exactly which organizational project management best practices and capabilities it does and does not have. IV. If the organization decides to pursue improvements, OPM3 provides guidance on prioritizing and planning. 6. What kind of commitment is required to launch OPM3 in an organization? The process of applying OPM3 in an organization is difficult to quantify. It depends on factors such as the size, complexity and initial maturity of the organization, the thoroughness of the assessment, the nature of the organization’s strategic objectives, and the level of resources available also impact any estimate. However, the assessment portion of such an initiative is most likely to take from several weeks to several months. Should an organization decide to embark upon improvements, the planning and implementation steps are likely to take longer, depending on how many best practices and related capabilities an organization decides to work on at one time. 7. Importance of OPM3 to the project management profession The Project Manager Competency Development Framework is the standard to guide the professional development of project of project managers and those aspiring to be project managers. OPM3 is the first iteration of a standard for organizations. It has the potential to create a new environment for those who are working in the project management profession, by illuminating the important link between projects and organizational strategy and the importance of organizational support to project management practices. The information in OPM3 is based on very broad based input from project management practitioners and consultants. 8. Summary The current global economic climate has ushered in an era of uncertainty that throws the importance of Organizational Project Management (OPM) maturity into sharp relief. It is critical for organizations to renew their ability to create cost efficiencies, economies of scale and agility to adapt to the changing business environment through projects. Companies need the organizational capability to choose the right projects, manage costs, and innovate. They need the organizational capability to delivery projects successfully, consistently, and predictably. The Project Management Institutes OPM3 Standard was developed with input from thousands of project practitioners and represents best practices in Project, Program, and Portfolio Management. OPM3 incorporates the PMIs PMBOK Guide, the most widely adopted standard for managing individual projects, and expands this into the domains of Program Management and Portfolio Management. OPM3 emphasizes choosing the right projects to advance organizational strategies and implementing the processes, structures, and behaviors necessary to deliver projects successfully, consistently, and predictabl y. Standardization of project work methods lays the foundation for achieving higher levels of maturity and excellence to create the organizational agility and resilience you need in todays marketplace. Leading organizations of all types and sizes across multiple industries are adopting OPM3 to transform their ability to close the gap between strategic intent and tactical outcomes through successful project selection and delivery. The preferred method for implementing OPM3 begins with an OPM3 Assessment by a PMI certified OPM3 Professional. 9. References * Project Management Institute, Inc. (2003). Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3). Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3). 1 (1), 1-195. * Project Management Institute, Inc. (2004). An executives guide to OPM3. An executives guide to OPM3. 1 (1), 1-5.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Articles of Confederation :: American America History
The Articles of Confederation During the Revolutionary period, the United States and Britain had many conflicts. Between 1763-1776, there were issues among these two countries. Between 1780-1789, there were issues about the federal government and the states under the Articles of Confederation. Two of these issues happened to be the foreign affairs between Britain and the United States, and the economy of the federal government. Subsequently following the French and Indian War, which happened to be where the British fought for the American colonies, Britain was in great need to pay its debts. Holding the war against the colonies, Britain decided to tax the colonies to pay for their large debt. Not being treated as members of the British Empire, the colonists were angered at the thought of being a source for Britain?s revenue. Acting in protest to what the colonies considered to be unjust laws, the colonists resisted attempts to be taxed, claiming as long as they weren?t allowed fair representation in the English Parliament, they would not pay. In 1650, a series of laws called the Navigation Acts were issued for the American colonies; although they did not come into full effect until after the French and Indian War. These laws prohibited the trade of certain items, which made it difficult for merchants who relied on French, Spanish, and other foreign countries for business. These restrictions angered the merchants, seeing as they were not allowed to make specific products in the colonies any longer, Heavy tariffs made trade nearly impossible and led the colonists to believe Britain was purposely doing this to hurt the economy of the colonists. England enacted laws to create trouble with trade between the colonies and other countries. In 1764, the Sugar Act was issued; this law taxed sugar, textiles, and other goods. One year following this the Stamp Act was put into effect, taxing all legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards. Shortly after, the Townshend Acts came into place, taxing lead, glass, iron, and manufactured goods within the colonies. The colonists became infuriated at these new laws stating they were too heavy and were levied without their direct consent. Britain thought it only necessary to place troops in America for the safety and protection of their colonies. They thought since they were doing such a great favor for the colonies, that it was only fair, and that the colonists would not mind providing the supplies needed to tend and care for the troops sent there.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Organizational development Essay
Although the main reasons people resist change is the fear of the unknown, breaking routines and incongruent team dynamics, organizational change is necessary if the organization is to remain competitive. Change is a combination of action orientation and research orientation†¦ but most importantly, every organization, whether large or small requires one or more change agents. Organizational development is a set of behavioral science based theories, values, strategies and technologies aimed at planned change of the organizational work setting for the purpose of enhancing individual development and improving organizational performance through the alteration of organizational members on the job behaviors†(Jex, & Britt, 2007. ) Organizational change is necessary if the organization is to remain competitive. Social Psychologist, Kurt Lewin, developed the force field analysis model to help us understand how the change process works. One side of the force field model represents the driving forces that push organizations toward a new state of affairs. â€Å"There are driving forces in the external environment such as globalization, virtual work and a changing workforce. Within these external forces, corporate leaders create driving forces within the organization so the organization anticipates the external factors. Internal originated forces are difficult to apply because they lack external justifications, so effective transformational leadership as well as structural change mechanisms are necessary to legitimate and support internal driving forces†. The other side of Lewins model represents the restraining forces that maintain the status quo. Restraining forces are commonly called â€Å"resistance to change†(McShane & VonGlinlow, 2008), because they appear as employee behaviors that block the change process. Stability will occur when these two forces are equal with each other but in opposite directions. The main reasons people resist change is fear of the unknown, breaking routines and incongruent team dynamics. According to Lewins force field analysis model â€Å"effective change occurs by unfreezing the current situation, moving to a desired condition and then refreezing the system so it remains in this desired state. Unfreezing occurs when the driving forces are stronger than the restraining forces. This happens by making the driving forces stronger, weakening or removing the restraining forces, or a combination of both†(McShane & VonGlinlow, 2008) Creating urgency, which represent the driving forces for change, will push employees out of their comfort zones. Many of top management leaders will buffer their employees from external factors and the result is the employees do not understand the need for change and will resist. â€Å"Employees need to feel an urgency to change; which occurs by informing them about competitors, changing consumer trends, impending government regulations and other driving forces†(McShane & VonGlinlow, 2008) Another way to fuel the urgency to change is by putting employees in direct contact with customers. Dissatisfied customers are a compelling driving force for change because of adverse consequences for the organizations survival and success. Exposing employees to external forces can also strengthen the urgency for change, but a leader needs to begin the change process before problems come knocking. â€Å"Creating an urgency for change when an organization is riding high requires a lot of persuasion and influence that helps employees visualize future competitive threats and environmental shifts†(McShane & VonGlinlow, 2008) Effective change requires more than making employees aware of the driving forces. It involves reducing or removing the restraining forces. There are six ways to overcome employee resistance, communication, learning, employee involvement and stress management. American Industrialist Andrew Carnegie once said â€Å"take away my people and soon grass will grow on the factory floor, take away my factories but leave my people and soon we will have a new and better factory. †( Library of Congress, 2009) Organizations are not buildings, machinery or financial assets; they are the people in them. Organizations are human entities, full of life, sometimes fragile, always exciting.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Working with Financial Statements
Working with Financial Statements Accounting is the heart and soul of executing a successful business. Accounting is used to provide record for all items that are paid and received for a business over any period of time. Within the purpose of accounting lies the need to provide continuity and sustainability within a business, without it a business will not thrive. The information obtained is kept on record, in order to give insight to upper management on data concerning the daily revenue and expenses of that business. This data is needed to not only inform the employees of the business, but also the investing parties of that business as well.Success in business is equated to being accountable of all aspects of revenue and expenses. To help aid in the understanding of the practice of accounting, Team A will discuss the subjects of revenue and expense recognition principles. We will also discuss the importance of journal adjustments that are prepaid, unearned, and accrued for both reve nues and expenses over time. Each item discussed helps provided and maintains a balance for the completion of a financial statement. If entered correctly, the all entries used will provide a clear picture of the account efforts of any business.The Revenue Recognition and Expense Recognition Principle Being able to account for a business’s revenues and expenses in a certain accounting period is difficult to determine. To do it correctly, one would need to understand two principles that set the standard; the revenue recognition principle and the expense recognition principle. In chapter 4 of our textbook Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, it states â€Å"the revenue recognition principle requires that companies recognize revenue in the accounting period in which it is earned.In a service company, revenue is considered to be earned at the time the service is performed. †Therefore, the definition is that it is only to be recorded when the items sold where the profit can be estimated reliability and when the amount is recoverable. What tells the revenue to be recognized and to ignore when the cash inflows occur is when the account will use the accrual basis of accounting. An example to illustrate revenue recognition principle is when a phone company sells talk time through scratch cars. There is no revenue to recognize when a customer purchased the scratch card.The revenue is recognized when the customer has made the call and actually consumed the talk time. The expense recognition principle is defined in the same chapter as, â€Å"The principle that dictates that companies match efforts (expenses) with results (revenues). †They provide a simple rule to remember as â€Å"Let the expenses follow the revenues. †which would indicate how the expense recognition goes hand and hand with the revenue recognition. To illustrate that, we could say it is sales commission owed to an employee because it is based on the total of a sale.In the same accounting period as the sale, the commission expense is when it should be recorded. At the same time, the sale is recognized and expensed when the cost of inventory is delivered to the customer. That is when the commission expense should be recorded in the same accounting period as the sale. That would be the example of the matching principle is associated with the cause and effect of accounting. Situations That Require Adjusting Journal Entries Adjusting entries are grouped as deferrals and accruals and each has two subgroups. The two categories of deferrals are prepaid expenses and unearned revenue.Prepaid expenses are recorded as assets until they are used or consumed. For example prepaid monthly insurance is recorded as an asset until the coverage has been consumed. Because prepaid expenses expire with time does not require daily adjustments, which would be unrealistic. When preparing financial statements adjusting entries are made to record the expense co nsumed of the prepaid assets and show the remaining amounts in the asset account. Unearned revenue is when cash is received before service is provided, which increases the liability account. For that reason unearned revenue are opposite of prepaid expenses.When a company receives a payment for a future service, it credits liability the unearned revenue account increases. The recognition process occurs during the accounting period where the service was provided. Then the company makes the adjusting entry for the unearned revenue by debiting the liability account and crediting the revenue account. Before the adjustment is made liabilities are overstated and revenue is understated. The second category for adjusting entries is for accruals. Preceding the entry adjustments the revenue account or the expense account are understated.Consequently the entry adjustment for accruals increases the balance sheet and income statement account. Accrued revenue is accumulated revenue that is not rec orded at the statement date because revenue is accrued with passing time, which is impractical to record daily. The adjusting entry records the amount owed to a business at the balance sheet date and the revenue earned in that time. The adjusting entry increases both the revenue account and the asset account. If services provided to client that were not billed will not be recorded.The accrual of unrecorded service account increases accounts receivable, which also increases stockholder equity by increasing revenue account. It would be unethical for a company to backdate sales or accounts receivable to increase revenue and asset accounts to meet a quarter’s target sales. Expenses incurred but not yet paid or recorded at the statement date are called accrued expenses. Adjustments are made to recognize expenses incurred at the current accounting period and record debt that is present at the balance sheet date. Consequently adjusting entry increase expense account and increase lia bility account.Why Adjusting Entries are Important Every business or organization makes adjusting entries in the end of a set accounting period. Adjusting entries are entries made at the end of an accounting period to make certain that the profits and expenditures recognition principles are followed (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2011). Accrual transactions and the purposes of these transactions should be reported when these financial actions occur. These actions should be recorded not only when cash is paid or received but also anytime a financial action takes place.These important concepts in accounting are imperative because they recognize net gains or losses and a business’ financial position can be identified within the accounting period. The preparations of general entries and postings are important and the information added to these journals should be precise and reliable. The truth in numbers is critical, and the information should be calculated exactly. There are numero us reasons regarding why adjusting entries are important. To establish if the accurate value of cost of goods sold and gross profit, adjusting entry of closing stock is needed.To determine the correct value of net profit, adjusting entry of depreciation is needed. Making adjusting entries of advance expenses are essential because after this step is completed an accountant can take away advance expense from expenses collected, and this will be charged in next accounting period when these expenses will be payable. To show the correct amounts due to a third party and to show correct expenses for the accounting period making adjusting entries of outstanding expenses are important. In this entry the accountant must have debit expense and credit outstanding expense for a third party accounted for. ConclusionAs one can see, revenue recognition and expense recognition are important parts of the accounting process of any business. It is also important to understand what situations require a company to adjust their journal entries and why it is so important to do so. With the appropriate accounting techniques and accurate journaling, a company’s financial statements become more accurate and easier for both internal and external users to understand. Not only do accurate financial statements keep a company above suspicion and consequence, but it helps users make informed decisions about that company based on its financial health.Without good decision making based on accurate information, a company will not be able to succeed. References Kimmel, P. D. , Weygandt, J. J. , & Kieso, D. E. ( 2010). Financial accounting: Tools for business decision making (6th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 2011 Financial Principles Explained. Retrieved from http://accountingexplained. com/financial/principles/revenue-recognition Walther, L. (2012) Financial Accounting 2012 Edition. Retrieved from http://www. principlesofaccounting. com/chapter3/chapter3. html sofaccounting. com/ chapter3/chapter3. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
East Of Eden Essays - English-language Films, Free Essays
East Of Eden Essays - English-language Films, Free Essays East Of Eden Clinging together in the face of lonliness and alienation, George and Lennie desperately seek to escape their poverty, and strive to transform their chimerical dream into a reality. This heartfelt dream is what sets George and Lennie aside from the other men, yet ironically it is so easily shattered. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, copious comparisons to animals are stated, signifying that their antagonistic way of life was not suitable for humans; This animal imagery helps elucidate the somewhat abstract ideals and character traits present in the text. Lennies demeanor is compared to many animals, Lennies death is compared to the death of Curlys dog, and even the end of Georges and Lennies dream is represented by a heron and the snake. To thoroughly describe Lennies bizarre disposition, Steinbeck compares him to a bear, horse, terrier, and a bull. Large and capable of violence, yet clueless and tender like a bear Lennie is totally unpredictable at times. Lennie is also similar to a bear in that his hands are huge like bear paws, and in the closing of the story he is said to Creep as silently as a bear would. Snorting into the water, Lennie reminds George of a horse. Similarly to how Lennie is compared to bear, he is said to be as strong as a bull; Lennie is also reluctant like a terrier who does not want to bring a ball to his master, but Lennie finally gives George his mouse. The brilliantly cryptic foreshadowing of Lennies death is told through the shooting of Candys dog. Candys dog is old and is not useful any more, so therefore the men in the bunk house want to dispose of him. Forcing the reluctant Candy to let them kill his dog was an arduous task, but the insistent nagging finally makes Candy capitulate his o ld dog to them. The dog is not only unsuspecting, but also helpless to the bullet that passes through the base of his skull killing him in an instant though without pain. Analogously Lennie is killed the same way, and even though George is reluctant, he knows that it is his obligation kill Lennie. Probably the most tragic point in the story is the realization that George and Lennies dream will not come true. A little snake slithering in the pool of water, totally unsuspecting his fate, is suddenly swallowed by a heron looking to satisfy his hunger. Curlys wife is searching to satisfy her hunger for someone to converse with, someone who will listen to her stories and to commiserate with her. She causes Lennie to break her neck, which ends Lennies life, and suddenly shatters his, Georges, Candys, and Crooks dream. These examples of animal imagery help illustrate John Steinbecks message, and define the present theme. The characters in the book posses many eclectic characteristics which make correspond to certain animals. This tragic story possesses a certain clandestine message, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. The one point that is most obviously stated is that being different is not easy, and that some people are not meant to exist on this Earth. Another conspicuous notion is that dreams should be guarded strongly, because as hastily as you conceived them they could be snatched from you without clemency. Bibliography The book Of mice and men.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Resistance and Opposition in the GDR
Resistance and Opposition in the GDR Even though the authoritarian regime of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) lasted for 50 years, there had always been resistance and opposition. In fact, the history of socialist Germany started out with an act of resistance. In 1953, only four years after its creation, the Soviet Occupiers were forced to take back control over the country. In the Uprising of June 17th, thousands of workers and farmers put down their tools in protest of new regulations. In some towns, they violently drove the municipal leaders from their offices and basically ended the local reign of the â€Å"Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands†(SED), the GDR’s single ruling party. But not for long. In the larger cities, such as Dresden, Leipzig, and East-Berlin, large strikes took place and workers assembled for protest marches. The Government of the GDR even took refuge to the Soviet Headquarters. Then, the Soviet Representatives had enough and sent in the military. The troops quickly suppressed the uprising by brutal force and restored the SED Order. And despite the dawn of the GDR was coined by this civil uprising and despite there always being some kind of opposition, it took more than 20 years, for the Eastern German Opposition to take a clearer form. Years of Opposition The year 1976 turned out to be a crucial one for the opposition in the GDR. A dramatic incident awoke a new wave of resistance. In protest against the atheist education of the country’s youth and their oppression by the SED, a priest took to drastic measures. He set himself on fire and later died of his injuries. His actions forced the protestant church in the GDR to re-evaluate its attitude towards the authoritarian state. The regime’s attempts to play down the priest’s acts triggered even more defiance in the population. Another singular but influential event was the expatriation of the GDR-Songwriter Wolf Biermann. He was very famous and well-liked both German countries, but had been forbidden to perform due to his criticism of the SED and its policies. His lyrics kept being distributed in the underground and he became a central spokesperson for the opposition in the GDR. As he was allowed to play in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), the SED took the opportunity to revoke his citizenship. The regime thought that it had gotten rid of a problem, but it was deeply wrong. Numerous other artists voiced their protest in light of the expatriation of Wolf Biermann and were joined by a lot more people from all social classes. In the end, the affair led to an exodus of important artists, heavily damaging the GDR’s cultural life and reputation. Another influential personality of the peaceful resistance was the author Robert Havemann. Being freed from death row by the Soviets in 1945, at first, he was a strong supporter and even a member of the socialist SED. But the longer he lived in the GDR, the more he felt the discrepancy between the SED’s real politics and his personal convictions. He believed, that everyone should have the right to his own educated opinion and proposed a â€Å"democratic socialism†. These views got him expelled from the party and his ongoing opposition brought him a string of intensifying punishments. He was one of the strongest critics of Biermann’s expatriation and on top of criticizing the SED’s version of socialism, he was an integral part of the independent peace movement in the GDR. A Struggle for Freedom, Peace, and the Environment As the Cold War heated up at the beginning of the 1980s, the peace movement grew in both German Republics. In the GDR, this meant not only fighting for peace but also opposing the government. From 1978 on, the regime aimed at completely imbue the society with militarism. Even kindergarten teachers were instructed to educate the children in vigilance and to prepare them for a possible war. The Eastern German peace movement, that now also incorporated the protestant church, joined forces with the environmental and anti-nuclear movement. The common enemy for all of these opposing forces was the SED and its oppressive regime. Sparked by singular events and people, the opposing resistance movement created an atmosphere that paved the way for the peaceful revolution of 1989.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Outline the development of global ecotourism over the last 30 years, Essay
Outline the development of global ecotourism over the last 30 years, What has fuelled its rise What challenges has it faced - Essay Example While the usual forms of travel are concerned only about the wants of the traveller, the focus of ecotourism is on the positive ways the traveller can impact the host country and its inhabitants. The impetus to the economic growth of the world provided by ecotourism prompted the United Nations to declare 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism to signify its importance. The underdeveloped countries can make significant economic gains through effectively utilizing ecotourism to generate employment and alleviate poverty. The seed of ecotourism was sown in the developed countries. The creation of National Parks in America was the precursor that evolved into the methods and structures of ecotourism over the years. When the Redwood National Park of California was created in 1968 to protect the redwoods from total depletion through continuous logging, local people economically dependent on such exploitation suddenly found themselves without a livelihood. However, the flow of tourists to the region increased and the loggers gradually became hotel owners, tour guides and contractors with some retraining by the federal government and their expertise about the redwood forests. In fact, this expertise was utilized for reseeding the redwoods and controlling fire and flood. Thus ecotourism developed to address the need for preserving the earth’s natural resources by creating a travel infrastructure that besides boosting tourism would take care of the economic needs of the local people in a sustainable environment. The idea of ecotourism as we know it in the modern age started gaining ground from the 1980s. The idea possibly originated as a venture by a few entrepreneurs who saw business opportunity in the growing desire among the tourists to visit remote places not hitherto trodden where they could experience nature in all her unspoiled glory. These entrepreneurs set up eco lodges which
Friday, November 1, 2019
Philosophers v. Poets in Plato's The Republic Essay
Philosophers v. Poets in Plato's The Republic - Essay Example In contrast to philosophy, poetry does not imply self-knowledge and self-control. If the disavowal of knowledge is in fact the disavowal of wisdom or expertise, we can see how that disavowal is compatible with the particular claims to knowledge which Socrates makes. Socrates identified wisdom first with self-control and then with justice and the rest of virtue. On questioning poets about their expertise, "'Until philosophers are kings, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils" (Plato 123). Plato found that poets in fact lacked the wisdom which they claimed, and were thus less wise than Socrates, who was at least aware of his own ignorance. Socrates had a divine mission to show others that their own claims to substantive wisdom were unfounded. "Behold, he said, the wisdom of Socrates; he refuses to teach himself, and goes about le arning of others, to whom he never even says Thank you" (Plato 12). Plato underlines that this enterprise of examining others which was the basis of his unpopularity and consequent misrepresentation, he later in the speech describes as the greatest benefit that has ever been conferred on the city, and his obligation to continue it in obedience to the god as so stringent that he would not be prepared to abandon it even if he could save his life by doing so. Socrates' call for banishing poets from the city, also makes it clear that the vast system of regulation applies to adults as well as children. The only ostensible exception in conflict between poets and philosophers is an examination of the claim of a professional reciter of poetry to possess wisdom. "For it is necessary that the good poet, if he is going to make fair poems about the things his poetry concerns, be in possession of knowledge when he makes his poems" (Plato 211). Plato underlines that poets seem to see the fact that we can say or write only one sentence at a time as something positive. Thus approach, for example, allows them to use the element of surprise to advantage (Taylor 23). Philosophers sometimes see this same fact as an inescapable burden (Taylor 24). They would just as soon get everything out all at once, if only they could, and they often work hard to eliminate surprise. Certainly, the style of most philosophical writing is very different from that of plays. It is not unusual for philosophers to give a forecast of what they are going to do, do it, and then remind us of what they have done. "When ev en the best of us hear Homer or any other of the tragic poets imitating one of the heroes in mourning and making quite an extended speech with lamentation, we give ourselves over to following the imitation" (Plato 231). The language in which philosophy is expressed has a life of its own; words are inevitably loaded with subtle meanings that sometimes say more and sometimes less than those who use them self-consciously intend. Thus, good philosophers should be ready for some surprises when others interpret what they have written (Taylor 27). Some philosophers recognize that language sometimes uses us as much as we use it, but then
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Science and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Science and Law - Essay Example That is why the scientific theories and dogmas enjoy much higher levels of veracity and credibility as compared to other academic disciplines. So much so, that scientific approach towards research and experimentation has been incorporated within the ambit of other disciplines and fields of enquiry like sociology, history, economics, jurisprudence, psychology, etc. The fact is that science has infiltrated every aspect of life and human existence and today there exists practically no social institution or concern that is devoid of scientific methods and approaches. Especially in the realm of law, science has brought about an unprecedented change and revolution. In the 21st century, scientific evidence is legitimately welcomed and accommodated in all the courts of law and it holds a credibility and veracity about which there exists no doubt. The scientific community has also promptly responded to this new challenge and responsibility by developing new disciplines like forensics that spe cifically cater to the realm of law and the techniques like finger print evidence, DNA fingerprinting, etc hold an almost unchallenged recognition in the courts of law. With the digitization of the economies and scientific orientation of the means and ways of production, the courts of law are often required to contend with the litigations that require considerable amounts of scientific data and inputs. There is no denying the fact that the courts in the West have over the centuries, incorporated certain cardinal instruments within their frameworks and the jury is one such integral aspect of such legal frameworks. For good or for bad, the litigations requiring scientific data and discussion are not devoid of the decisive influence of juries and the concerned scientific evidence furnished in such cases is as much open to analysis by the jury as by judges, lawyers, litigants and other parties involved.The entrance of science in the courtrooms has given way to a plethora of questions, apprehensions and doubts. Infact this new trend has exposed the jury to attacks and aspersions from various quarters of the society and intelligentsia. Such pressure grou ps, while citing the complexity and intricacy involved in the conception and understanding of scientific evidence as a valid excuse claim that the contemporary system of assorting juries that seldom requires and asks for relevant qualifications and scientific knowhow, has literally rendered the institution of jury as totally obsolete, especially in the court cases that involve considerable amounts of scientific evidence and theoretical arguments and discussions.Such claims need to be qualified in the light of the basic objectives that led to the introduction of the institution of jury in the English legal system. It is imperative for the so called champions of science to understand that the jury is essentially a political institution and serves specific purposes in the democratic societies (Edmond and Mercer 331). Leaving the practical aspects of justice aside, a stiff opposition from the so called adherents of science is the biggest problem that the institution of jury faces in the 21st century. The reasons cited by such elements will be dealt with later on in this paper. First and foremost it is important to understand the political and democratic relevance of the jury in the Western legal
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Construction Contracts: Omission, Suspension Termination
Construction Contracts: Omission, Suspension Termination An analysis of Omission, Suspension Termination of Construction Contracts under Civil Law of Qatar UAE 1. Introduction Qatar has a well-developed and structured legal system. The origin of the Qatar legal system is found in both ancient and traditional sources. It is based on Islamic law and jurisprudence but has adopted many of the principles of the Napoleonic Civil Code (French Civil Code). In addition, Egyptian philosophy of law and procedure (Egyptian Civil Code) had a great influence on the legal and judicial system of Qatar. The State of Qatar is a traditional country ruled by Al-Thani family and the state leadership being inherited by Al-Thani family since mid-19th century Qatar’s judicial history was influenced by a series of events beginning with the Ottoman occupation of the region in the 19th century. As stated in Background to legal system in Qatar by Qatar Law website â€Å"The Ottoman rulers established a system of justice based on teachings of the Hanafi school of Islamic Law. As the Ottoman Empire started to lose its grip on its rule in Qatar and elsewhere in the Arabian Gulf, Qatar underwent a gradual shift towards the Hanbali school of Islamic Law under the influence of the then emerging regional power, Saudi Arabia†(Partners, 2014). Qatar became a protectorate of Britain after the 1916 treaty and British legal system was established formally after the treaty. The civil courts established by British enforced English laws albeit local courts continued to administer a legal system based on Sharia law (Islamic law) which was the legal system in pre British era. This practice created a dual court system that existed until recent time in Qatar. Modern Qatar legislative process began in 1961, when Law No. 1 for the year 1961 was issued. Subsequently, several modern legislations covering the administrative, economic and social activities were enacted. Qatar passed the new Judicial Law No. 10 for the year 2003 in October 2003 which revolutionized and unified the judicial system in Qatar. This law became effective in October 2004. Qatar enacted a new Civil Law in 2004, providing applicability in respect of limitation of time and territorial jurisdiction. Other important definitions such as of natural and juridical persons principles and legal capacity to sue and be sued were incorporated in to the new Civil Law. Contractual relationships in construction sector were codified as Law No. (22) of 2004 with the passing of Qatar Civil Law. Law No. (22) of 2004 Promulgating the Civil Code was issued by H/H Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar exercising the executive authority vested under the Constitution. As stated in Qatar Law website â€Å"Qatar Civil Code provides guidelines for the establishment of contractual relations and obligations arising therefrom. It specifies basic elements of a contract such as consent, subject matter, and purpose of contracting. It also deals with annulment, construction and binding nature, effect, and cancellation of contracts†(Partners, 2014). The UAE federation comprising seven Emirates namely; Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Ajman and Fujairah was established on 02nd of December 1971. The Constitution declares the Sharia is the principal source for law in the UAE and a civil law jurisdiction heavily influenced by the Egyptian law system which was heavily influenced by French and Roman law. Commercial transactions are governed by UAE Federal Commercial Transactions Law ‘Commercial Code’ (No. 18 of 1993). Civil transactions are governed by UAE Law of Civil Transactions ‘Civil Code’ (No. 5 of 1985 No. 1 of 1987) (Whelan, 2011). In the absence of any specific provisions in Civil Code , the Islamic Sharia law will be applied. In matters of procedure, the UAE courts follow the Federal Civil Procedure Law ‘Civil Procedure Code’ (No. 11 of 1992 as amended). Articles 872 to 896 of the UAE Civil Law 1987 (the Civil Law) relating to construction works, as well as general maxims and principles set out in the same law, form the basis of the legal framework relating to construction. Also, UAE Commercial Transactions Law provisions would apply to the degree that the parties to a construction claim could be defined as traders conducting commercial business as per Articles 6 and 11. The general principle of freedom and sanctity of contract is recognized under the Qatar Civil Code and a contract is treated as the law of the contracting parties. Natural and legal persons are free to agree on whatever they desire, provided that their agreement does not conflict with law, public order and morality. Verbal contracts and contracts as a result of conduct of the parties are mostly recognized and are enforceable in court subjected to establishing / proving the contractual-relationship. The Civil Law also deals with interpretation of contracts, contractual responsibilities, liability for personal acts, and responsibility for acts of third parties, ownership responsibilities, surety, unjust enrichment, types of sale, lease, insurance, and rights attached to property, land law, mortgage, wills, legacy, privileges, and gains. It also stipulates performance, compensation and compulsory execution, assignment of rights, innovation and impossibility of performance and statutes of limitation. Contractors are often faced with employer- driven Omission, Suspension Termination of the Construction Contracts due to financial constraints and other difficulties encountered by Clients and Contractors in Qatar Middle East in general. Medium to large scale public works projects procured by Public Works Authority of Qatar (Ashghal) use General Conditions of Qatar (its own spoke form) published by Contracts Engineering Business Affairs (CEBA) which were updated and reissued on July 2007 prepared by either in-house lawyers or external law firms. The Qatar General Conditions of Qatar is a close resemblance of International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) Yellow, Silver or Red Book contracts. The other major projects procured by state affiliated organizations such as Qatar Foundation, Qatar Gas, RasGas, Qatar Water Electricity board (Kharamaa), New Doha Aiprt Steering Committee use their own bespoke and â€Å"project specific†forms. Where a project is awarded on a lump sum basis, the 2007 General Conditions of Contract favoured by employers in Qatar places much of the risk for losses on the contractor, except where losses are adequately covered under the amended provisions to the Contract. A reasonably fair assessment of the General Conditions of Contract by many contractors in Qatar is that it heavily favours the employer. While this may be the case, a contractor may also be entitled to claim equitable relief in accordance with the Qatar Civil Law No. 22 of 2004. In the above scenario, it is imperative to analyze the rights and entitlements of Clients Contractors in circumstances arising from Omission, Suspension Termination of the Construction Contracts under FIDIC 1987 revision 4 FIDIC 1999 which are base documents for most of the Bespoke Conditions of Contracts in Qatar and its enforcement under the Civil Law of Qatar U.A.E. 2. Aim Analyze the legal aspects of Omission, Suspension Termination of the Construction Contracts under the Qatar U.A.E Civil Law. 3. Objectives There are four objectives of this study: To identify the limit of a Contractors’ exposure to the Employer in respect of Omission, Suspension Termination of the Construction Contracts. To identify the limit of Employer’s exposure to the Contractor. Analyze the entitlements between FIDIC suit of Contracts and Qatar U.A.E. Civil Code To determine reasonable solutions and precautions. 4. Research methodology The following Literature was reviewed during the initially to ascertain the feasibility of conducting a comprehensive research on the subject dissertation. Binding Force of a Contract – Article 171of Law No. 22 of 2004 – Qatar Civil Code â€Å"A contract is the law of the contracting parties, and it may not be revoked or amended, except by agreement of both parties or for prescribed by the law†(Portal, 2014). Dissolution of a Contract Article 183of Law No. 22 of 2004 – Qatar Civil Code Article 183 states that â€Å"In contracts binding on both parties and imposing reciprocal obligations (synallagmatic contracts), where one of the parties fails to perform his obligation, the other party may, upon formal notice to the former, demand performance of the contract or its rescission, and may claim any damages caused by such failure to perform†(Portal, 2014). â€Å"The judge may,mutatis mutandis, determine a period of grace within which the obligor shall perform his obligation. The judge may also reject the application for rescission if the obligation not performed is insignificant compared with the obligations considered in their entirety†(Portal, 2014). Termination of a Contract of Works under Articles 703, 704 707 of Law No. 22 of 2004 – Qatar Civil Code Termination of a Contract under Articles 892 893 of UAE Federal Law No. 2/87 – The Civil Code Dissolution of a Contract under Articles 185 188 of Law No. 22 of 2004 – Qatar Civil Code Article 185 states that â€Å"When a contract is rescinded, the contracting parties shall be reinstated to the position they were in prior to the date of the conclusion of the contract. If reinstatement is impossible, the court may grant indemnity†(Portal, 2014). Article 188 states that; â€Å"The contracting parties may mutually agree to terminate the contract upon its conclusion, provided that the subject matter of the contract remains in the possession of either party. Where the subject matter of the contract is lost, damaged or disposed of in part in favour of a third party, the contract may be rescinded to the extent of the remaining part and the share of the party†(Portal, 2014) Dissolution of a Contract under Article 273 of UAE Federal Law No. 2/87 – The Civil Code Dissolution of a Contract under Articles 267 268 of UAE Federal Law No. 2/87 – The Civil Code The binding force of a Contract under Article 172 of Law No. 22 of 2004 – Qatar Civil Code The effect of the Contract under Article 246 of UAE Federal Law No. 2/87 – The Civil Code Ruling issued for the year 2006 by Court of Cassation, Dubai Literature study and analytical research are my major learning methods which play an important role in this report. Analytical research involves analyzing existing case law, facts and information. The data will be collected from primary/secondary sources, interviews with industry experts and case studies/laws. Literature study and analytical research have been chosen due to complex laws of the country and its interpretation by the Law experts. However, any analysis contained in this dissertation is the author’s own opinion and shall not be construed as evidence in a court of law. This paper does not have any legal or contractual standing in interpreting a binding Contract Document. 5. Scope and Limitation The building construction contracts stipulate express provisions governing the rights of one or both parties to terminate the contract under certain circumstances. These express provisions are categorized as non-contractual rights and contractual rights to terminate a binding contract. The Non-contractual rights to terminate are defined as; Frustration and this occurs when circumstances rather than the default of contracting parties have intervened to prevent the contract being performed as intended originally. When frustration occurs, further performance of the contract is impossible, illegal or radically changed from what the parties contemplated at the time of signing the contract. The contract is automatically terminated once a frustration event occurs and the parties are absolved from further obligations but accrued liabilities remain with them. The party who is relying on frustration provisions in the contract must be sure of that a frustration event actually occurred when justifying the ceasing of operations under the contract to avoid being in breach (the contract is more expensive to perform is not a frustrating event). It is prudent that the events stipulated under force majeure clauses should not overlap with the frustration events and the events which are provided their consequences are stated in the contra cts shall also not be considered as frustrating events. It is imperative to define Force Majeure events in the contract and clause 19.1 of FIDIC 1999 First Edition state that the definition of â€Å"Force Majeure†as; â€Å"Means an exceptional event or circumstance: (a) which is beyond a Party’s control, (b) which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into the Contract, (c) which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome, and (d) which is not substantially attributable to the other Party†(FIDIC, 1999). Force Majeure events are exceptional events or circumstances as listed FIDIC 1999 below and those satisfy the clause 19.1 of FIDIC 1999 sub-clause (a) to (d) above: â€Å"(i) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, (ii) rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war, (iii) riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Contractor’s Personnel and other employees of the Contractor and Subcontractors, (iv) munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by radio-activity, except as may be attributable to the Contractor’s use of such munitions, explosives, radiation or radio-activity, and (v) natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity†(FIDIC, 1999). Repudiation and this occurs when a party to the contract commits a serious breach of contract that entitles the innocent party to consider the contract as terminated with immediate effect and sue for damages due to breach of the contract. The following will be considered as clear repudiation of a construction contract Contractor’s refusal to carry out contract scope; Vacant the site or un-authorized removal of plant by the contractor; Procuring other contractors to carry out the whole or part of the scope of work originally contracted; Employer’s failure to give access to the site (possession of the site). The Contractual rights to terminate are classified as; Termination for Cause and the clauses stipulated in the contract vesting powers/rights to terminate the contract for breaches of specified contractual obligations such as unjustified/ unrecoverable delays attributed non-performance of the works. The parties may exercise their rights to terminate in other circumstances too, such as occurrence of a force majeure event. Termination for Convenience or ‘at will’ clauses may be incorporated in to construction contract vesting powers to one party to terminate the contract without having to establish any cause or breach for termination for the other party. This clause is very useful in the event that the; the employer changes the use of the land (eg. Condominium development to a hotel development) the employer’s inability to secure financing for the whole project or secure anchor tenants the contractor finds the project will be unprofitable or too risky the project has been suspended for a prolong period with no prospect of it being recommenced. There is a very close relationship between suspension and termination and, depending on how the clause is drafted. The end result of a suspension clause may be much the same as a termination clause in that either party will have the right to terminate the contract at the end of the agreed suspension period. The justification for suspension clauses will be broadly similar to termination such as a change of circumstances on the ground that makes continuing with the works impossible in the short term. Notwithstanding the above, suspension may be used by one party to allow it space to consider how to proceed with a project, which should be acceptable to the other party if kept within bounds. The scope of this research is to identify the legal provisions to secure the rights and entitlements provided under Qatar Civil Code and UAE Federal Law in Omissions, Suspensions and Terminations and limited to the construction contracts under the jurisdiction of the subject countries. The main limitation is the Language. The Qatar and UAE Laws are written in Arabic and official translation in English language is not available. The author relies on many unofficial translations of Qatar and UAE Laws for the purpose of this research. Arabic language prevails over the any launage in a Court of Law in Qatar and UAE. 6. Conclusion The Contractor shall be compensated for; Re-measured work done Preliminaries Material delivered / ordered Under- recoveries Costs/increases Removal of Contractor’s equipment Repatriation of staff/labour Loss of damage (loss of profit) Costs resulting from suspension after recovering the following from the contractor Advance Payment Previous payments Employers recoveries All these compensation and recoveries are stipulated in FIDIC Conditions of Contracts (or amended bespoke versions) and enforceable under Law No. 22 of 2004 – Qatar Civil Code and UAE Federal Law No. 2/87 – The Civil Code. The Contractors (and the Employers) as the case shall be able to seek the solace of Law even if the Contract Agreement they entered in to is heavily bias towards the Employer as the Law of land prevails over any contractual relationship between parties. 7. References FIDIC. (1999). Conditions of Contract for Construction. In I. F. Engineers, General Conditions (pp. 56-58). ISBN 2 88432 022 9. Partners, S. A.-A. (2014). Background Legal System in Qatar. Retrieved 08 25, 2014, from Portal, Q. L. (2014, 08 25). Law No. 22 of 2004. Doha, Qatar. Whelan, J. (2011, 07). The Civil Code. Retrieved 08 27, 2014, from
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