Saturday, August 31, 2019
Falsifiable Scientific Theories Essay
This paper is about the comparison and contrast of two equally strong theories about the view of the universe and its entities’ strategic formation. The geocentrism and heliocentrism theories are to be examined in terms of their falsifiability, as both had been cause of conflict of scientific thought in the earlier times. In Karl Popper’s account, any theory in the science can only be proven as scientific if and only if it is falsifiable. The conflict of thought between the two major structures of planetary movements, geocentrism and heliocentrism, we take into account the points wherein each is deemed falsifiable. The geocentric theory, as developed by Ptolemy, was the worldview which says that the Earth I the center of the universe, where other planets and objects go around it. This theory was then supported by the seemingly cyclical revolution of the stars and the sun around the Earth, and concentrating on the perception of Earth to be unmoving and stationary. To further show that the Earth was still, some people tested the reaction of birds whenever they let go of a tree branch – the birds did not get thrown off into the sky. In the 5th century BC, Plato was able to develop a mythical explanation of the cosmic movement of the Sun and the stars: that the cosmos is the Spindle of Necessity where Sirens turned the three fates. This mythological explanation is a ground for the falsification of the theory since it suggested trivially unscientific explanations. Euxodus who worked with Plato derived a mathematical explanation of the planetary movements, basing on Plato’s principle that all planetary phenomena in the universe could be explained by uniform circular motion. Aristotle also deduced that all cosmic entities rotate around the Earth, and there were 56 concentric spheres that are attached to thee heavenly bodies. The moon is supposedly the innermost sphere which gets dark upon contamination with the Earth. This dark spot is late on deduced as the lunar eclipse. This notion of geocentrism which was then the leading theory of the structure of the universe proved it to be indeed fully scientific since it was able to create a model that made correct predictions of future observations. The parallax was described in the geocentric theory to result as either the Earth is stationary and so no effect exists, or the stars are so far away the effect was undetectable. The Ptolemaic system was scientific in the sense that it produced testable results and was modified over time in response to observations. It was also supported by the prevailing philosophies of the time. The support for this position was varied: from the basic fact that we don’t feel the earth rotate to the idea that if it did, the winds would be enormous because the air would stay fixed (it actually doesn’t, but they thought it would). With the addition of epicycles, it was possible to predict eclipses and the position of the planets to a fair accuracy. However, this theory was put into criticism and question in 1543 when Copernicus challenged it with his De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, which explains that the planets, including the earth, revolve around the Sun. The Sun is deemed to be the center of the universe. The heliocentric theory made better predictions of more kinds of observations, but most of these were not available until Galileo. Nevertheless, there was also strong scientific evidence against heliocentrism. Before the invention of the telescope, there was but one potential experiment that could demarcate between geocentrism and heliocentrism: that of the parallax of the stars. Parallax is the apparent displacement or difference of location or orientation of an object which is seen along two different lines of sight. It is measured by the angle inclination between those two. The experiment showed results which favored the geocentric model. Lack of parallax was a fully scientific falsification of heliocentrism. The heliocentric theory could not explain the parallax of the stars until Galileo was able to observe completely the moons of Jupiter and the complete phase of Venus. Obviously, these two scientific theories are deemed falsifiable in terms of Popper’s criteria. Each has its own way of falsifying the other in terms of scientific basis. The Quine-Duhem principle has been employed in thee observations: we can not test a scientific hypothesis in pure isolation because a relatively plausible explanation would require one or more background assumptions in testing its empirical truthfulness.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Is America Falling Apart?
â€Å"People are underpaid but they go through an act of liking their work, the open markets are luscious when esculent color, the community is more important than the stat, the human condition is humorously accepted. †(297) â€Å"The quality of life has nothing to do with the quantity of brand names. What matters is talk, family, cheap wine in the open air, the wresting of minimal sweetness out of the long-known bitterness of living. (297) â€Å"American individualism, on the face of it an admirable philosophy, whishes to manifest itself in independence of the community. You don’t share things in common; you have your own things. A family’s strength is signalized by its possessions. Herein lies a paradox. For the desire for possessions must eventually mea dependence on possessions. (298)†â€Å"New appetites are invented; what to the European are bizarre luxuries become, to the American, plain necessities. 298)†â€Å"It is not right that men and women should fear to go on the streets at nights, and that they should sometimes fear the police as much as criminals. Both of whom sometimes look like a mirror images of each other. (301)†â€Å"The wealth qualification for the aspiring politician is taken for granted; a governmental system dedicated to the promotion of personal wealth in a few selected areas will never act for the public good. The time has come, nevertheless, for citizens to demand, from their government, a measure of socializationâ€â€the provision of amenities for the many, of which adequate state pensions and sickness benefits, as well as nationalized transport, should be priorities. (302)†â€Å"I come to America as to a country more simulation than depressing. The future of mankind is being worked out there on a scale typically Americanâ€â€vast, dramatic, almost apocalyptical. I brave the brutality and the guilt in order to be in on the scene. I shall be back. (302)â€
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Nowadays, CAP has thousands of branches around the oral and number one chicken import and export in Asia and number one on animal food producer in the world. If we want to talk about CAP strategies, we have to go through Cap's history in 1962. In 1962, CAP was competed with many other crops companies to sell crop to Thai farmer in Thailand. However, at that time, farmers did not trust the crops that came from the companies because there were cases of rotten crops and the quality was very bad.CAP, at that time, depended mainly on animal crop which were the main revenues for CAP. Danni, owner of CAP, had the idea that will throw the competitors off the amen. He mixed and sold crops in packages instead of actual food for animals. He hired the specialist to control the product which it is rarely new in Thailand. CAP promised to every farmer that they willing to pay for everything that happen related to their products. Therefore, CAP gains farmer's trust since then. CAP slowly changed fro m selling animal crop to chickens due to the demand of chicken in Asia.In 1 967, CAP conducted four new minor companies to give opportunities for the one who has potential to show their management skill and CAP bought 90% of stock market on chicken packaging.. In 1 995, CAP has over 57 factories in 50 cities throughout Asia and Europe. Nowadays, CAP bought everything that help their business grows and reduces many competitors. For example, CAP bought 7-11 which are American Franchise Company and Macro as well. CAP revenues do not from only CAP product itself, but also other companies that CAP bought as well. There are Chester Grill, True Co-operation, Dang Motors, Pin An insurance and Asia Telecoms.So CAP basically sells cars, telephone, insurance and cable television too. That what make CAP so big that other companies do not want to compete with. In my opinion, this is one kind of the strategy too. Talking about mission and vision, CAP has set high standard on these two aspects. Ca p's vision basically to become most professional food company that fulfill the demands of their client and increases life quality for everyone which is of course their responsibility. Just the vision of the company makes me want to buy CAP product now.Cap's mission is to develop agricultural industries and become the leader of creating healthy eating habits to consumers by giving high quality and reliable product to ones who lacked protein. There are three main benefits in investment philosophy Of the CAP group which are benefit Of the country CAP invested in, benefits of people of that country invested in, and finally, the benefit of CAP Company. CAP strategies are based on these vision and missions. CAP keeps moving forward and expands their company bigger and bigger every day. CAP has achieved their goal 10 years ago. Talking about CAP competitions, if in Thailand, there is none.CAP has influences among those who do food company. Other word, it is on CAPS side. Many of the food c ompanies choose to work with the CAP instead of competing with it. The company that competes with CAP is Chinese COFFS Corporation Company in China which sold tea, wine, cooking oil, and chicken. There is also Eek Chord China Motors which compete with CAPS ASIA and Dang Motors which of course the size of the organization is not even comparable. Can overcome many obstacles and use their strategies to overcome every environmental aspect including Thai flooding, world economic crisis, and Thai on-going protest.In my opinion, the main strategy of CAP is to gain consumers trust and expectations. CAP does many charities and of course, Donating is a ere popular among Thai people and society. CAP is the professional to win the heart of the people. CAP also provides varieties of foods and not just chickens. Because of there is no competition to begin with, CAP can sold their products daily every;here and not afraid of other things but politic. Politic can really hurt big company such as CAP. In 2012, Thai government increase wages per worker to 300 baths a day which there is no strategy to help solving it.CAP and every other CEO and Chairman need to lost more money in employee costs. CAP is not affected at all. They are still standing to this very day. There is new CAP campaign called â€Å"Life Stations†which is targeted mainly on young people such as high-school, university students and office people. It is located in China with in the middle of office districts in Guanos. CAP understands the market well and designs Life Station to fit the personalities of those people who is going to be customers. For example, life station near the schools, it going to provide not just breakfast, milk, or bakery products. It also has stationery shop as well.If Life Station is near the office, it will provide ere wife and of course, many kinds of coffee. If Life Station opens in the city area, it will provide varieties of foods and provide best quality. The main strategy of L ife Station is the design of actual branch and gain more information on consumer to find opportunities in future products of CAP. Life stations are designed to fit people's life styles. The design will attract lots of people and they are willing to try new things. The best ways to be profitable is to reduce the cost of products which is cooking ingredients which CAP already as factories and farms around the world.The cost of products is cheap, that is why it is profitable. There will be obstacle such as economy and sometime lack of customers. Life Station will carry out promotion plan to attract more customers which are marketing departments job by using buy one gets one free or anything necessary to gain more consumers. Research and development department will work with human resources department to gain the information about people in the Life Station's area to develop an insight on consumers and gain more idea what to develop in the future.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Case Study Yorkshire Radio Station Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Yorkshire Radio Station - Case Study Example Strategy has two key dimensions - the resource allocation decision and the development of sustainable competitive advantage. We will confine our dissertation on development of sustainable competitive advantage leaving the resource allocation decisions. 1. Fit to market environment - the primary requirement is the perceived notion of customer for the need of the product or services. The customer looks for competitive advantage, superior value from a product. 3. Efficiency versus effectiveness: Efficiency is internal to the organization whereas effectiveness identifies opportunities to create market. As Peter Drucker says 'Efficiency is doing things right, Effectiveness is doing right things'. Primary focus of the organization should be on effectiveness rather efficiency.... Diversification strategies - Diversification are of four types 1) Forward integration, Backward Integration, concentric diversification and conglometric diversification. Criteria for Strategic success: The following five factors determine the success of a strategy: 1. Fit to market environment - the primary requirement is the perceived notion of customer for the need of the product or services. The customer looks for competitive advantage, superior value from a product. 2. Timing: nothing fails like success - A product or service, which is in vogue today, becomes obsolete tomorrow, hence timing is very important for success of a strategy. 3. Efficiency versus effectiveness: Efficiency is internal to the organization whereas effectiveness identifies opportunities to create market. As Peter Drucker says 'Efficiency is doing things right, Effectiveness is doing right things'. Primary focus of the organization should be on effectiveness rather efficiency. 4. Speed versus decisiveness: Speed is important, companies that are fast to innovate, manufacture and distribute and quick to respond to customer requirements are more successful. But with speed the decisive commitment of resources also is very important. 5. Organizational effectiveness: The organizational effectiveness in its manpower, their commitment to deploy their skills effectively contributes to the organizational effectiveness. Let us analyze the Current situation: Presently Yorkshire Radios station's activities are as follows: 1. Broadcasting Yorkshire sports like Football Rugby, Racing, Cricket 2. Broadcasting music. 3. Main focus is on coverage of Leeds United with exclusive access to the manager, Players and chairman plus full match
Atherosclerosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Atherosclerosis - Essay Example The lesions of atherosclerosis start with fatty deposits and gradually develop into complicated lesions. The progressive development of atherosclerotic is classified into six types with increasing effect of compromising the function of the arteries. The first four types of the atherosclerotic lesions do not produce clinical symptoms, while the fourth and fifth type produces clinical symptoms. These clinical symptoms are dependent on the site of compromise of the integrity of the artery. The metabolism of lipids and their serum levels, body fat, obesity, infections and inflammations have a role to play in the development of atherosclerosis and are high risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. In addition gender, heredity, diseases related to diet like metabolic syndrome, and life style are all factors that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis by themselves or in conjunction with the other factors. Two mechanisms are involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis consisting of chronic endothelial injury and elevated lipid levels. Risk factors like infection, inflammation, and smoking can lead to epithelial injury and elevated lipid levels encourage formation of plaque loaded with lipids and initiate the formation of clot or thrombus. The formation of thrombus can lead to a total blocking of the lumen of the artery, which clinically manifests itself in different ways, depending on the location of the blockage, Occlusion in the arteries that supply blood to the heart manifest as myocardial infarction, while in the case of occlusion in the arteries supplying blood to the brain manifests as a stroke or a cerebrovascular event. Infarctions in the liver and kidneys through similar mechanisms impair their functions. The impaired blood flow as a result of the occlusion, if not reversed immediately can lead to ischemia of the involved tissues and death of the tissues, Pharmacological
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Racial Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Racial Identity - Essay Example They impose upon individuals certain obligations and expectations dictated entirely by one’s sex. As a result, how men and women experience the world will differ accordingly. And it is precisely this â€Å"experience of the world†that shapes our identities, both as individuals and as members of groups that we strongly identify with. Ultimately, our shared experience with others molds our identity as an individual. The bifurcated experience of males and females living in antagonistic cultural circumstances provides a crucial factor, sociologically and psychologically, in the development of personal identities. Two short works by Zora Neale Hurston and Brent Staples each illustrate the unique factors that go into the construction of identity, which is largely contingent upon one’s sex. The creation of one’s social and personal identity is not something which happens in one event or experiment. It is a process of layering: the taking of particular experiences and building the edifice from those conditional factors. The gender roles that a society assigns apply to all people, independently of race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and so on. For this reason, we might say that one’s sex comes first in determining how a person sees himself or herself in the context of the group or society. One’s racial identity thus comes conditioned by this gender role, which is often established even before the time a child first encounters any kind of racial distinction. By recognizing the fundamentality of the sexual identity, we recognize that racial identity can be bifurcated by that gender divide between man and woman. This ultimately determines how and by what process the individual assimilates his or her place in a particular racial group into a personal identity. A personal identity is the filter through which we interpret the content of our experience, and a bifurcation in one’s ability to see and interpret the world will inevitably create a
Monday, August 26, 2019
Reflective Dairy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reflective Dairy Paper - Essay Example There are steps designed to reduce the process waiting time. The first is analyzing g flowcharts of processes. Use of technology may be utilized to do away with unnecessary tasks that increase the time lug . An instance is the utilization of databases in place of manual and traditional filing systems for data storage in hospitals. Another step would be the use of flow cells or ordinary admission to all resources necessary for processing. I have also understood that in the ancient times, in order to produce a new product, it required company shut down and change. This set up time may be significantly lessened through preparation before the process. Over eighty percent decrease, in set up time is achievable through designing for preparations and manufacturability. Clear differences arise between traditional method of reducing downtime and JIT method. In the traditional method, there exists corrective maintenance, then experts carry out process, equipment speed is fast, and the method o nly runs one shift. On the other hand, JIT involves preventive maintenance, equipment operators carry it out, the equipment speed is slow, and the operations run for 24 hours. ... It also supports both process and product improvement. In addition, employees are cross-trained for efficiency and flexibility. There is also improved communications, which enhance the dissemination of vital information about the process. Employees are also empowered, and there is teamwork among employees. When it comes to suppliers, JIT partnerships occur when a purchaser and supplier work hand in hand to reduce costs and remove waste. The potential problems of using JIT are that it is used in continuous processes and repetitive operations. JIT also requires a high level of discipline for its effective implementation. The concept is also based on trust and cooperation. In addition, it requires a philosophy change. Lastly, JIT is not highly conducive to a scenario where the true market position entails unique products. In this scenario, MRP system is more applicable. Week 9- Transformation Systems Design an d Layout Analysis In week nine, I learnt that transformation Systems Design and Layout Analysis consider alternative forms of transformation and choose the best one based on the desired results. Layout analysis aims at maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Flow shop is related to continuous process apart from distinct product produced. Other features are heavily computerised special purpose apparatus. Both products and services can utilize the flow shop mode of processing. The flow shop method has advantages such as low unit cost caused by focused equipment of high volume, reduced labour rates, bulk purchasing, low cost inventories conducted within the company, and easy managerial control. Disadvantages of flow shop are numerous. Some outputs have a high level of obtaining complexity.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Indigenous knowledge in education systems Assignment
Indigenous knowledge in education systems - Assignment Example The Common Curriculum Framework for the Language and Culture Programs of the Aboriginal Kindergarten to the twelfth Grade was developed as a collective effort. The effort encompassed the Western Canadian Protocol Aboriginal Languages Working Group and the Elder Advisors and, with contributors from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Saskatchewan. The paper was intended to serve as a framework that would reflect the universal beliefs and values integral in Aboriginal cultures in acknowledgment of the pedagogical issues in the Aboriginal system of education (Bopp, et al. 2004). In reference to Bopp et al (2004), the First Nations, Inuit and MÃ ©tis education policy framework of 2002 that was developed by Alberta Learning, in partnership with Native Education Policy Review Advisory Committee Representatives and Elders, was envisioned to demonstrate the department’s guarantee to enhance educational opportunities and chances for Aboriginal learners and students in Alberta. Additionally, it was intended to develop and progress an ongoing exchange of ideas with other education stakeholders and Aboriginal communities (Bopp et al., 2004). The initiated frameworks share the voices of indigenous elders speaking on the relationship Laws. These laws include humanity’s Relationship with the Natural World; humanity’s Relationship with one another; humanity’s Relationship with themselves; reconstruction and Colonization.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Management and Leadership Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management and Leadership Paper - Essay Example For instance, both leaders as well as managers are responsible for achieving similar organizational goals – that of steering the organization towards profitable goals; their tasks involve working in groups and managing people; along with other similar shared traits and responsibilities. According to Richard Daft, "leadership cannot replace management but rather is something that is to be practiced in addition to management" (in Prussakov, 2011). Warren Bennis, has listed various key differences between leadership and management which are discussed below: Managers are responsible for handling the day to day administration of the organization while leaders on the other hand are required to ‘lead’ through ‘innovation’. The management team at Nike is focused on innovation and creativity as a part of their strategic policies with a view to retain their competitive positioning in the market and retain their dominance. Hence, while the managers are entrusted with the responsibilities of handling the routine operations the leaders on the other hand, constantly seek to develop new ways to create and innovate their products. For instance, recently Nike developed a new app which uses the iPhone's GPS and mapping capabilities to track the performance of the athletes / runners. Furthermore, the app is moderately priced and connected directly to the company's website which helps the runners / users to share their running routes as well as time with everyone and post their results directly to popular social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook (NY times, 2010). The managers maintain stability while the leaders initiate change. The manager's task is to maintain and sustain the competitive positioning of the organization while the leader is entrusted with the responsibility of developing and expanding the organization. For instance as observed in the case of Nike, during its initial days, the company experienced rapid growth and began t o be known as a leading and fashionable sports brand during the 1990s. However by the end of the 1990s the growth began to stagnate, with the entry of new players in the market such as Adidas and Reebok along with several other smaller brands. One of the key marketing problems faced by Nike during these times was that the company had begun to lose its brand image, as fashionable footwear for teens, as older people increasingly began sporting Nike gear (i.e. clothing as well as footwear) (Porter et al., 2005). The managers, in this case were responsible to ensure that the company achieves its profit targets and maintains its stability however, the leaders on the other hand, were required to innovate and change the brand image to achieve its long term goals – that of long term sustainability in the market. Hence, as a result, the management at Nike changed its marketing strategy and targeted a younger market segment –the Californian teenager, to revamp its brand image. T he manager encourages and enhances the efficiency of the employees and groups while the leader
Friday, August 23, 2019
Taxation Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Taxation Project - Essay Example Are legal entities whereby the income flows to owners or investors; implication that income is treated as either income of the owners or revenue for the investors (Siegel & Shim, 2010). Basing on the local tax regulations, the structure can avoid dividend tax and even the double taxation since only investors and owners are always taxed on the income. They are usually considered as non-entities for tax purposes since they are not taxed but taxation flow through to other tax returns. Types of flow through entities include limited partnership, general partnership, scheme corporations, limited liability companies and master limited partnerships. This is a partnership where some of the partners are general whereby they are entitled to manage and control business while other partners are limited to the contribution of capital only. A legal document that stipulates specific requirements are usually drawn up for limited partnership. It a partnership whereby almost all partners has gone limited responsibilities depending on the jurisdiction. In this partnership, no single partner is held responsible for another partner’s misconduct or rather negligence. It should be noted that pass through entities pass profit/loss to owners/investors/shareholders and therefore do not pay tax on its income. The owners of the pass-through entities move items on their income tax return. Partners in their individual capacity are subject to tax as per their distributed shares through the net income of the entity. When it comes to corporations, taxes are charged differently for other kinds of business structures. A corporation is the only business type that must pay its income tax on the profits generated during a particular fiscal period. It should be noted that corporate is a separate entity from its owners; the tax is charged on all profits than
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Leadership Talents of Jack Welch Essay Example for Free
Leadership Talents of Jack Welch Essay Jack Welch was a successful Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General Electric Co. (GE) for twenty years (1981 – 2001). He was admired and feared for the â€Å"new vision†that was implemented at GE. Jacks talented strategies were based on how he saw the hierarchy layers of management, how he analyzed the 42 strategic business units, and how he implemented the culture of GE to have the feel and the passion that he had been striving for. These strategies received a lot of positive and negative attention and as a result the company’s value increased by 4,000% during his tenure at GE. Jack Welch was born John Francis Welch, Jr. on November 19, 1935. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from the University of Massachusetts in 1957. Then he went on to earn a M.S. and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1960. He was introduced to Carolyn Osburn through a mutual friend, and then approximately six months later they were engaged. By November, 1959 they married two days after Welch’s 24th birthday. In 1960, Dr. Dan Fox offered Welch a chemical engineering position to work on a new project on a new thermoplastic called polyphenylene oxide (PPO) at GE. PPO was described to withstand high temperatures, which could replace hot water copper piping and stainless-steel medical instruments. Welch realized after his first year at GE that he disliked GE’s bureaucracy, which nearly drove him to leave based on the standard predetermined $1,000 raise he received in 1961. He was fed up and walked up to his boss Burt Coplan and quit. Coplan’s boss, Reuben Gutoff (Reg) called Welch and offered to meet for dinner. Gutoff took Carolyn and Jack out for dinner and promised a bigger raise, more responsibility, and would keep the bureaucracy out of his way. In addition, Gutoff added another $2,000 raise on top of the $1,000 raise Coplan already given him, which showed Welch he was serious about his promise. In 1972, Jack was named the company’s youngest Vice President then was elected Vice Chairman in 1979, then was elected the eighth chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 1981. Jack held this position until he retired in 2001. During his twenty year term as CEO Jacks reputation In 1999, Forbes magazine named him â€Å"Manager of the Century†and the Financial Times named him one of the three most admired business leaders in the world today (General Electric Company). During Jacks twenty year tenure at GE he was able to step outside of the box and change the way the game was played. (Business Pundit, 2008).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Student Success Essay Example for Free
Student Success Essay Student Success: Motivating School Students through Personal Development A very good morning, to everyone who are present here. Im Kanishka, I’m here by to present a topic about Student Success: Motivating School Students through Personal Development. First of all, I would like to summaries the essential topics which I’m going to share with you related my today’s lecture. Synopsis:- 1. How do I motivate my class mate students to learn? 2. What is personal development? 3. Self-Awareness 4. Self-Concept 5. Self-Discipline 6. Personal development: Implications for teachers 7. Conclusion 1. â€Å"How do I motivate my class mate students to learn? It is the question mostly asked by everyone in the school level. The diversity of our student population in today’s schools makes motivating students more challenging than ever. Students come to school from cultural differences, cast differences, differing belief systems, and complex issues like poverty, substance abuse, and dysfunctional families. What is motivation? Motivation is what compels us to act. It is the energy that provides fuel for action. Motivation can be either 1. Extrinsic or 2. Intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation relies on effective incentives and providing direction or structure for achievement. Motivation comes from an expected external reward for a desired action or behavior. Intrinsic motivation occurs when students generate the motivation from within, discovering the satisfaction of achievement and taking joy in doing something for the sake of doing it. - Intrinsic motivation is a natural outcome of students actively working on their personal growth and development. Personal growth and development requires students to become self-aware through self-reflection. Students learn the skills associated with personal growth and development in the context of learning subject matter, making the subject matter more interesting. For example, our teacher’s might ask students to identify characteristics. So they share with the realistic hero or the heroine in the story. Every learning opportunity will becomes as an opportunity for their personal growth. 2. What is personal development? Personal development is the process of becoming who we aspire to be in our life. In the process of personal development, we learn the 1. skills, 2. knowledge, 3. Aptitudes necessary to live a fulfilling, 4. Satisfying, and happy life. Focusing on personal development is a focus on student success. Schools are traditionally focusing on personal development only. 3. Self-Awareness Personal growth and development requires students to become self-aware. It is a critical dimension of self-regulation and the ability of students to relate to others Through self-awareness, students discover and appreciate their strengths and uniqueness. They learn what is important to them and what they value most. They identify their beliefs and how those beliefs help or hinder their personal growth and success. They become aware of the authentic self and learn to harness the power of the mind. School students are fully aware of their differences. They mature at different rates both physically and intellectually with dramatic variations. This is the ideal age for students to begin to explore and appreciate how they think, feel, And act in a variety of situations. Researcher Mr. Reeve Stark told that, - â€Å"Learning and development progress optimally when there is an active participation from the student to take personal responsibility for his or her own learning and developing†4. Self-Concept There is a direct tie to how students think, feel, and believe about themselves and motivation. It is the belief of the learner and his/her self-image (do I possess the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to learn?) that provide the degree of motivation to learn. Students self-evaluate and judge themselves, forming outcome expectancies of success or failure. If the evaluation is positive, the learner is motivated, viewing the task as a challenge and persevering in the face of adversity. If the evaluation is negative, the student becomes anxious and tends to avoid the task. â€Å"Internal perceptions, interpretations, and expectancies will primarily determine the motivation and performance in everyone’s life†A student’s self-concept plays a major role in the kind of help he seeks when faced with challenging work. Students with lower levels of self-esteem, in an effort to protect themselves from failure, chose less effective help strategies. - Students’ self-concept or self-worth is directly related to what they believe about themselves and the self-talk they employ. Through self-awareness students can identify their patterns of self-talk and change them to be more affirming. Positive self-talk fosters autonomy and self-responsibility while enhancing a student’s self-confidence and self-esteem. 5. Self-Discipline Self-discipline refers to self-regulation; the ability of students to set goals, delay gratification to attain a long-term goal, and develop coping skills to overcome setbacks. Research indicates that students connecting to possibilities – a positive vision for their future and their aspirations – is one of the greatest indicators of a student’s success in school. Researcher Mr. Reeve Stark told that, â€Å"It is the possible self idea that provides the plans and strategies for their future – that will put them in an action.†Helping students connect to a vision of their future provides them with the motivation to set and achieve goals. In the process of personal development, 1. students not only set external goals (I want to be a doctor and earn a large income), 2. They also set personal goals (I want to be compassionate and a good listener). 6. Personal development: Implication for teachers Modeling is one of the most effective methods of teaching. Teachers who openly share areas of their personal growth and development convey the importance they place upon it. Teachers who practice what they lecture validate that the practice is of value and useful for students. In contrast, when a teacher does not model the behavior she is trying to convey, students wonder why and are less motivated to participate or listening in class what the teacher is taught. 7. Conclusion Learning through the lens of personal development provides strong intrinsic motivation; the two are inextricably linked. Teachers need to make plain the objectives of personal development and pursue it directly with students to attach intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation becomes a natural outgrowth in the pursuit of personal growth and development. Adolescence is an ideal time to assist students in their struggle to find their identity. Through self-awareness students learn the techniques of self-appraisal and self-acceptance. They build their self-concept by identifying and minimizing disempowering beliefs and self-talk, affirming their unique qualities, and building upon their strengths. They connect to a positive vision of their future, gaining the self-discipline to pursue and attain their goals. Teachers and students are both learners in the process. With a focus on success, personal growth and development is enjoyable and satisfying, giving credence to education’s goal of developing life-long learners. To encourage intrinsic motivation (Self Developement), teachers can do the following: 1. Help students find meaning or real time examples what the topic or the lessons what they already taught to the students. 2. Design an open and positive environment. Focus is on growth and success, never on lack, weakness, or failure. 3. Ensure students are valued members of a learning community – everyone is valued for their own uniqueness. - I would heartily thankful to everyone who has spent their valuable time with me during my small lecture. - Thanks once again.
Gordons Functional Health Patterns Framework Nursing Essay
Gordons Functional Health Patterns Framework Nursing Essay Frameworks are used to accurately gage a patients health. They are a systematic way of collecting objective and subjective data to establish a plan of care for the patient. Health care professionals must continually observe the patients subjective and objective data in order to recognise any changes in the patients health so that they can act upon them to achieve the best possible outcome for the patients wellbeing. Gordons functional health patterns framework was developed by Marjorie Gordon. It provides a sequence of recurring behaviour from eleven different aspects (Luxford, 2012). These include; health perception and management pattern, nutritional-metabolic pattern, elimination pattern, activity-exercise pattern, sleep-rest pattern, cognitive-perceptual pattern, self-perception/self-concept pattern, role-relationship pattern, sexuality-reproductive pattern, coping/stress-tolerance pattern and value/belief pattern (Gordon, as cited in Luxford, 2012, pp. 225-226). The patients health is believed to be influenced by biological, developmental, cultural, social and spiritual factors. Because Gordons functional health patterns framework considers each of these factors, it will provide health care professionals utilising it with a comprehensive assessment of the patients health (Fulton Baird, 2010). Dorothea Orem (as cited in Broadbent, 2012, pp. 47-48) developed a nursing framework based on three related concepts. self-care, self-care deficit and nursing systems. Self-care theory consists of four concepts. The first of these concepts are self-care, which refers to those activities the patient should perform without assistance that promotes wellbeing, for example, intake of air, food and water, elimination process, balance between activity and rest, balance between solitude and social interaction, hazard prevention and promotion of normality within social groups. The second concept is self-care agency, which refers to the patients ability to carry out self-care activities and whether or not they require assistance. The third concept is self-care requisites, which refers to the actions taken to provide self-care. Finally, therapeutic self-care demand, which refers to all the activities required to meet existing self-care requisites (Orem, as cited in Broadbent, 2012, pp. 47-48). Self-care deficit comes into play when self-care agency is not able to meet the self-care demand. This means that if the patient is unable to perform any activity of daily living they will not meet the requirements that are essential for them to survive, hence, a health care professional must assist them. The self-care deficit indicates that nursing is required to assist the patient and suggests five different nursing systems that can be used depending on the patients ability (Orem, as cited in Broadbent, 2012, pp. 47-48). Health care professionals should provide care that is considerate of and reactive to unique patient preferences, needs and values. They must ensure that patient values guide all clinical decisions (Krumholz, 2010). To successfully achieve this, when conducting a health assessment it is imperative that health care professionals make professional, ethical and legal considerations. Health care professionals must be mindful of the patients comfort and not assume that they are aware of what the health care professional is doing nor assume that the patient is consensual. Kerridge, Lowe Stewart (2009) stipulate that upholding the patients right to autonomy is relevant to a health care professional legally, ethically and professionally. It means that before each procedure the health care professional must ask the patient if they consent to the having the procedure performed on them. The patient can give consent by verbal, written or implied communication. The patients right to autonomy must be respected at all times (Kerridge et al., 2009). It is the patients legal right to choose what happens to them, even if the patient refuses to have lifesaving medication or procedures performed on them that results in their further ill health or even death (Eburn, 2010). For both professional and ethical reasons health care professionals must adhere to a code of conduct at all times. Due to the patients probable vulnerability, health care professionals have a specific duty to conform to extremely high ethical standards both in their professional and private lives (Johnstone, 2012). Saunders (2012) explains that health care professionals must only perform duties that dwell within their scope of practice. If they do not adhere to this policy they would be failing to uphold ethical standards and also breaking the law. This could lead to the health care professional losing their job and or legal action being taken against them. In order for the health care professionals to maintain professionalism and uphold ethical and legal standards they must consider their scope of practice before performing any duties (Saunders, 2012).There are ethical considerations that health care professionals must be mindful of when documenting a patients information. For insta nce, to be conscious of who will be reading the notes, use official abbreviations and clear language, be specific, objective and protect privacy at all times. Breeching professional, ethical or legal responsibilities could lead to ramifications that are detrimental to the health care professionals career, health care institutions reputation and patients health (Jeffries, Johnson, Nicholls Lad, 2012). Gordons functional health patterns framework is a common and excellent way to build a picture of the patients health (Newfield, Hinz, Scott-Tilley, Sridaromont Maramba, 2007). It can be utilised for patients of all ages and in all areas of health speciality. Health is dynamic and ever changing and Gordons functional health patterns framework caters for this. Unlike other frameworks, Gordons uncovers patterns of both function and dysfunction (Gordon, as cited in Luxford, 2012). It considers the patients health from eleven specific aspects providing a broad range of information for health care providers to notice emerging patterns. The titles of the patterns are self-explanatory hence, they are easy to use (Newfield et al., 2007). These eleven categories provide a systematic and standardized approach to data collection and enable the health care professional to determine many aspects of health. Though it has few weaknesses, like most other frameworks, the data collected for Gordons fu nctional health patterns framework is based on much subjective data. This means that some data collected can be manipulated by the patient in order to depict an inaccurate assessment of the patients health. For this reason is must be used alongside the objective data such as the patients vital signs and physical examination in order to ensure an accurate health assessment. While Orems self-care framework appears to be a useful resource for health care professionals to use, Gordons functional health patterns framework proves to have strengths that far outweigh its weaknesses. One can understand why it is so commonly used within health care institutions.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
DXM vs. a religion we call the media: the day the world shat its pants :: essays research papers
DAY ONE â€Å"I don’t know. I drink half-a-bottle of cough syrup and I end up with this ingenious poem. Go figure†     â€Å"Well I suppose I’ll give it a try.†DAY TWO      â€Å"Dude, look at this painting I did because of the cough syrup.†          â€Å"See dude, I told you. It makes you smarter.†     â€Å"Totally.†Then they tell two friends And they tell two friends And they tell two friends And so on And so on GENERATIONS LATER Soon word gets around to big names Big names tell the right people The right people turn DXM into a pill designed, Not to prevent coughs,                                    But to, As it says on the box it comes in,                                    Make you smarter. DXM becomes mainstream A household substance approved by the FDA Everybody does it Everybody likes it Everybody wants it      Except for those metalling kids who hate everything that is mainstream. MORE GENERATIONS PASS Those metalling kids grow up Get hair cuts Get jobs Get married And have metalling kids of their own Their own metalling kids grow up and have more metalling kids      Out of all the metalling kids populated in this world, one of them catches a break and becomes a big rock star      He’s looked up to      Idolized and praised      By millions of metalling kids who hate mainstream JUST LIKE HIM So he’s up there. His name is thrown all over the media. His name is big. His name means something. It means â€Å"I HATE MAINSTREAM†and â€Å"I'M A METALLING KID, JUST LIKE ALL OF YOU†â€Å"I'M YOUNG†â€Å"I'M CUTE†And â€Å"I'M REBELLIOUS†And now that all of you look up to me I can’t let you down I gotta find something I can attack      And I gotta rock      And I gotta roll And I gotta rock and roll hard So I ask myself â€Å" what am I gonna attack?†And I answer myself â€Å"I'm gonna attack mainstream.†And I ask myself again â€Å" what am I gonna attack that is mainstream?†And again, I answer myself by sayingâ€Å" the mainstream I am going to attack is a little old miracle substance forever known as DXM†So our little metalling rock star goes into hiding for a while trying to find all the dirt he can about DXM: the drug that makes you                smarter. Days pass Weeks pass Months pass And all the while All the fans All over the world           Are splitting up into two categories      The Appalled and The Obsessed The Appalled say      He’s gone, and he’s never commin back, EVER It’s time to move on. And The Obsessed say      Just you wait. He’s commin back and is gonna be better then ever                     And I'm gonna be waitin                          Right here. And believe it or not, a whole year passes.
Monday, August 19, 2019
US Policy Failure: Unilateralism in a Global Environment :: Essays Papers
US Policy Failure: Unilateralism in a Global Environment IMPORTANCE OF MULTILATERALISM In the global age that we live in, it is unreasonable to think that a nation can independently face the complex diplomatic challenges that exist, yet the Bush administration has clearly demonstrated its intention to act unilaterally on a number of important issues, from worldwide security and terrorism to infectious disease and other environmental and humanitarian issues. Throughout the 1990’s, the United States relied primarily on a foreign policy based on multilateral efforts; however, signs of unilateralism began to emerge in 2002 with the planning of the Iraq War. (Levy) In an outline of the United States national security strategy, the current administration made it clear that it no longer felt bound by preexisting global agreements, and that it maintained the prerogative to defend itself from perceived threats even if the international community did not believe such threats were legitimate enough to necessitate action. While the United States will constantly strive to enlist the support of the international community, we will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting preemptively...Today humanity holds in its hands the opportunity to further freedom's triumph over all these foes. The United States welcomes our responsibility to lead in this great mission. But our responsibility to history is clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil. (The National Security Strategy of the United States (2002), p 6, preface, and p 5) Aside from violating the charter of the UN, unilateral preemption is simply not a sound national security policy. There are many advantages inherent to multilateralism that are not possible under a unilateral approach, such as the assurance of participation by all in the management of world affairs, and the legitimacy that it provides, particularly when it comes to matters regarding the use of force or the establishment of universal norms. Also, the complexity of global politics presents a serious challenge to the use of US power. In spite of its incredible military superiority, the United States is dependent on support from allies when it operates abroad. Geographically strategic position gives weak states and advantage when the United States is seeking access to military positions, further stressing the necessity of maintaining good relationships with other countries. In accordance with its apparent wishes, the United States government finds itself alone in its belief in unilateralism; most other governments understand the importance of multilateralism, citing its importance to effectively dealing with issues of Global priority.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Growing Problem of Music Piracy Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive
The Growing Problem of Music Piracy  At the turn of the millenium, the music industry has been faced with an unforeseen phenomenon that has affected its very foundation - mass scale music piracy. The decline of CD sales in the past three years have been blamed on the availability of songs that can be downloaded from Internet sites and service providers like Napster, KaZaA and Morpheus free of charge. Today the issue of intellectual copyright infringement in music has been taken more seriously than ever before, as large record labels and companies like Sony and EMI struggle to maintain healthy album sales in the face of online music piracy. In addition, music piracy affects more than just the corporate world - it affects the very artists who create music and receive no compensation for their efforts. In fact ?many high-profile and buzz artists, including Eminem, Oasis and most recently 50 Cent, have seen their upcoming albums undercut by file-sharing online before their scheduled releases, prompting record labels to move up street dates to avoid losing album sales.? (Grossberg) In light of this, are a few positive aspects in the face of such widespread negativity but music file sharing continues to be a controversial topic in the world of music and the arts in general. Nevertheless, before analyzing the impact of music piracy on a mass scale, one must start from the beginning of the 1990?s when the music industry experienced a growth in CD sales. In fact, ?according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), album sales grew from US $24.1 billion to US $38.6 billion during the decade.?(Zentner) But this era was short-lived and as the nineties drew to a close, the amount of illegal file swapping exp... ...story of File Sharing.? , Consulted on November 19, 2004. (2004). ?Radiohead.? , Consulted on November 20, 2004. RIAA (2004). ?RIAA Files News Lawsuits Against 750 Illegal File Sharers.? , Consulted on November 19, 2004. VALDES, Robert. [2004]. Stuffo. ?How ?Making It? Works: Antigone Rising.? , Consulted on November 20, 2004. ZENTNER, Alejandro. Measuring the Effect of Online Music Piracy on Music Sales. Online at: , consulted on November 18, 2004.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Leadership in the New Millenium
Chapter 1: Moral Leadership in America This Chapter talks about the absolute need for moral leadership in America. We live in a very unstable time. Our society is very fragile. Perhaps no other time in our history is there a great need for great leadership, not just based on their ability but their moral compass. They have to lead with creditability and they have to be visionaries that can lead people into the right path to better their conditions. Without the right morality they won’t be able to get people to work together. Chapter 2: The loss of CharacterThis chapter talks about leadership in relationship o having character or not having character. Be we just a plain individual, leader in our society or a part there of. We have to carry ourselves in an exemplary manner because people are always watching us, whether we realize it or not. The higher position you are in authority or stature the more scrutiny you are under. With technology and electronic media being so easily ac cessible it often times leads to people being looked at poorly for one reason or another. A lot of times it is done purposefully by the media for the sake of making money.The author makes a special point to note that this loss of character is prevalent in all walks of society such as religion, politics, and business being the most prominent of these. Chapter 3: A life of Morality This chapter speaks about leadership and morality and how as a people of society and the society at large all have the capability of being moral or immoral regardless of their status in life, their wealth, power, position, or education. In many cases, the chapter concludes, that often times the moral fabric of any group be it government or business often times reflects the morality or immorality of its leaders.Classic point that was given was the melt down of our financial system here in the United States. This was considered due in large part to the moral absence in the corporate banking system leadership. Much of this premise is to be considered in selecting team members and having people with common ideology when it comes to team work. Chapter 4: Yielding to Temptation This chapter talks about yielding from temptation. It talks about not so much the thought but acting upon temptations. When one yields to temptations they can fall so far from grace that it almost makes life unbearable. Temptation crosses all sectors of society; money, power, sex.Its interesting because the writer makes a point that its almost mans nature to want to control things, in his/her job, husband over wife or vice versa etc. man even tries to control nature in the universe at times. He goes on to point out that the hardest thing in nature for man to control seems to be he him self. Often times power such as in government or big business makes people feel almost invincible and unaccountable for their actions. But history has proven time and time again that not to be the case because often time they lose more that position but stature and reputation.Chapter 5: The Duty of Responsibility This chapter talks about moral responsibility. How it is virtually impossible to separate morality from responsibility because one is so closely related to the other. He suggests that the negative political and financial state our country is in today is due a lot to the fact that out leaders have ignored this very important point, were too naive or just plain arrogant. He says â€Å"The bedrock of moral responsibility is an ethical behavior of the leader and his or her adherence to the standards of right conduct. He speaks of businesses at large lacking moral responsibility and caring more about the bottom line instead of what is termed â€Å"the triple bottom line,†which entails the good of all including share holders, employees, customers, suppliers, the community, the environment and the owners of the company themselves. By taking into moral account and responsibility all of these factors will tend to make the business that much more competitive. Leaders have responsibility to lead not just in the corporate by laws but also in common decency and ethicalness.The leader and his or her subordinate have a psychological contract where by the subordinate has an unwritten understanding with the leader that he is going to led in a responsible manner. Leaders take responsibility for things that go wrong and hold themselves responsible for corrective change. All this leadership should be done with transparency and all times they should be trustworthy. This is why they are called leaders because they should be able to live up to the expectancy for which they are charged. Chapter 6: The Facade of PowerThis chapter talks about leadership and power. Some leaders use power as a tool for the betterment of the group at large while others use it for merely selfish reasons. Good power, which is kept in check, normally leads to success of an organization while the opposite can lead to organ ization demise. Power is mostly defined as an instrument to get others to do what the might not have done on their own without the influence of the leader. There are different types of leadership styles. Some use intimidation some use bribery, and while others use their attraction.It also speaks about hard power and soft power. Hard power is when people use coercion, intimidation, sanctions in its sort to get people to do what the want them to do. Often times these leaders use fear and fell that they are in complete control. All its subordinates feel they have little or no recourse. Soft power is considered the more rational approach. It is called sometimes â€Å"the second form of power. †People use more tactical and persuasiveness to get people to perform or react in a certain way. Much like a husband might to do a wife, where it is more subtle.These leaders tend to lead more by example than by command. One might say that hard power has little accountability compared to so ft power which is based largely on credibility. Chapter 7: The Pitfalls of Arrogance This chapter talks about arrogance and its pitfalls. Arrogance can be summed up as one who might think too much of himself and too little of others. This sentiment when combined with power can be overbearing at best and often times can leads to a person’s demise. There is a distinct difference yet subtle between arrogance and self confidence; the latter being good.One can have confidence in himself, which is good, but not to the point of vanity. Often times leaders who are arrogant can not relate nor do they want to relate sometimes to the feelings or opinions of the subordinates. They have too little respect for the opinions of others. Sometimes arrogance leads to micro-managing which will weaken their leadership. He gives illustrations of how arrogance brought down certain people in society such as Sam Waksal, President Bill Clinton, former governor Elliot Spitzer, and New Jersey governor J im Mcgereevy, just to name a few.All these men were considered arrogant in the way in which they went about their business; almost with a veil of invincibility. Their thoughts and actions lead to their downfall. Chapter 8: An Ounce of Humility Humility is called â€Å"a necessity for success. †Humility is the antithesis of arrogance. And by a virtue of its design will bring more good outcomes and success. So where arrogance leads to downfall, humility leads to growth. The act of humbleness dictates that one does not presume themselves more important than others nor is proud or boastful.He talks about humility in relationship to religion in history. it is the foundation of spiritual growth. Nearly all religions be Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, or Islam, preach that humbleness is extremely important in obtaining the richness of ones own sprit and connection with that eternal realm where one might find peace and salvation. Some cynics of humility were characterized as a sig n of weakness or false modesty just so they could feel more â€Å"special and better than others,†the author thinks not.He mentions three distinct leaders who epitomize humility: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and Albert Einstein. Another point he makes, in the importance of humility and leadership, is our global military presence around the world dealing with so many vast cultures, almost demands the need for humility and diplomacy because we are dealing with so many different people and ways of life. Today’s business environment, more so than ever, reflects the need for people in leadership to show some humility. The key to leadership is good servitude.The benefits of humility go far beyond one individual or one entity. It affects society at large. Chapter 9: A life of Ethics This chapter addresses ethics. Ethics by some is becoming a thing of the past; in our work places and society at large. All organizations in order to have a meaningful existence hav e to work with some code of ethics. It determines what we should and should not be. It is hard to legislate ethics because it is not so easily measured in business as other areas of the company or organization such as profit. Often times, competitiveness makes leaders act contrary to hoe they should act.It talks about examples of ethics being absent in our workforce such companies as Enron, World Com, Imcone Systems, Tyco, and the like. This is caused as reactions of these companies brought to great despair and has created an environment in our business culture that recognizes the need for more ethics more so now than ever. He blames the poor economic state of our American economy to the non ethical practices of our leaders. They skirted the law in common business practices. Ethical behavior or the lack there of is mostly influenced by our surroundings, i. . : family, school, church, media or peer groups. Individuals in organizations often reflect the culture environment they are in be it upstanding and ethical. In its practices or the reverse of that, it all falls on the shoulders of the leaders of the organization because so often is they that set the tone for everyone else. It is the responsibility of the leader to make sure that his organization is conducting them self in a proper manner. One primary way to keep the environment ethical, the leader must make it a point of topic within the group.He feels that ethics is not given much thought or time in the work place, home or school. In many cases, through either ignorance or arrogance leaders allow themselves to remain unethical with little or no fear of consequence. He goes on to say, a lot of times; the practicing or non-practicing of ethics sometimes comes down to simply a matter of choice. People have blatant disregard for doing the right thing. Although ethics and morality like anything else, filters down from the top, it is actually everyone’s responsibility in the group to use moral ethics in their approach to doing business.Chapter 10: The Seven Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins, otherwise known as â€Å"pewslag,†characterized by theologians and scholars the world over as being very influential in existence of mans and his relationship to good and evil. It is an overall thinking that pride, envy, anger, greed, lust, gluttony, and sloth effect all individuals one tine or another and cause us to act contrary to natures, mans, and God’s laws. Mahatma Gandhi recognized that there was an inner violence that mankind dealt with and external violence. The internal violence is things such as hate, anger, jealousy, greed.Gandhi viewed these seven deadly sins as internal violence. These internal violence were the catalyst behind mans external violence. External violence can be described as the physical violent assault on another such as with the use of a weapon of sort. In relationship to leadership, the leaders who showed more self-control and restrain in these are as variably, are the ones who survive and prosper. They recognize that the spiritual world and the physical world are intertwined and ultimately â€Å"we destroy ourselves because of the baggage of sins that we walk around with. The writer also, in the end of this chapter, suggests we rid ourselves of this load and â€Å"travel light. †Chapter 11: The Necessity of Teamwork The old saying â€Å"no man is an island†is very accurately describes this section. Solid teamwork is the groups’ aspiration to reach when their goal is to be great. Teamwork incorporates all the talents and skills of individuals toward one or more common objectives. Teamwork is also considered a form of energy that is created by the workings of the individuals, as one in sharing ideas and information which culminate into constructive jobs, duties, or functions.The seven deadly sins can creep its ugly head and cause bitterness or conflict within the group. Also, social-cultural and demograp hic factors can cause a breakdown of solid teamwork. The use of the word, belief of the word and the actions of the word â€Å"we,†particularly when it comes from leadership creates an atmosphere of harmony and togetherness when the goal is for the good of all. Ultimately it is the job of the leader to keep the team running as smooth as possible, not necessarily an easy task at all. Chapter 12: Putting the Team TogetherIt is the leader’s responsibility to carefully pick the members of the team and there are so many different variables to look at to determine who might be good and who might not be. Is it youth vs. age, experience vs. non experience, former educated over experience, past triumphs or failures? Or do we spend more time considering the family background of people, their hobbies, interest, their compassion for one another, carrying for other people, honesty, and integrity, willingness to put themselves last and team first? Will this individual bring harmony to the group; will they bring a sense of well being and togetherness?A leader has to consider the individuals purpose for joining the group. Is it for self gratification or gain, and if so, will this person really more help the group or hinder the group irrespective of the many talents and resources he or she might have to offer? These are all the things and more that a good leader must contemplate before taking on any new team members. Many an organization has been brought down because leaders too hastily recruited team members as opposed to carefully taking their time to consider all the above.Chapter 13: The Decline of Altruism This chapter centers on the decline of altruism. Some people will argue that altruism is a dying breed, while others say it is still prevalent everywhere even in the animal kingdom. Altruism which is ones doing good for another in an unselfish or selflessly manner, is broken down into different categories, namely two parts: reciprocal altruism and univers al altruism. The first being almost tit for tat; when one is doing something because it has been done unto them or they expect it to be done unto them in the future.The latter, being unconditional, much like in a sense of Christianity; when one is not looking for anything in return but instead merely doing it because they think it is the humane thing to do. As a consensus by many that neither society, nor any corporate team or entity can survive well without it, it being altruism. There are many different reasons why people are altruistic. Could be a sense of personal responsibility, they think it’s the right thing to do, could be during an emergency or social and cultural values.It could also be the desire to overcome guilt, or it could be because of their exposure to it through school, family, church, and community groups, what have you. Many of the problems today in our society, and the economy at large, might be considered due to the lack of altruism or minimum traits of altruism at best in our modern day leaders who failed to recognize their duty in giving to other selflessly while mitigating their own self righteousness or ego. Chapter 14: The Service of Gratitude The author starts right out by saying â€Å"the primary purpose of human existence is to serve the people of the world. This act of servitude is a very important ingredient in effective leadership. While he is leading he is actually taking on a task of servitude and selflessness. A leadership is considered the custodianship of others well being and overall success. Ultimately a leader must put his self interest secondary to the interest and good of others. Many people serve for the gratuity, what they can get out of it, their own personal agenda. The â€Å"what’s in it for me? †syndrome, but this are not and can not be construed as good leadership. This way of thinking only leads to disruption and potential downfall of any organization if that leader heads.They also sugge st that a big part of the reason for the downfall and collapse of our countries economic decline is because lack of service, both physical and otherwise. Our goods and services are being outsourced to other countries and in other cases many of our leaders don’t see their roles as â€Å"being service providers to the people. †These leaders therefore allow corruption to thrive when it should not. The importance of service is to neutralize the have’s and have not’s. It’s the balance between mans nature to overcome and take care of themselves only and those who can not do for themselves. good leader looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the group, the society or the company and tries to balance the scales to make certain that everyone gets their fare shake or piece of the pie. Good service at its best is good service at its most. Chapter 15: Blueprint for Moral Leadership In the beginning of the chapter there is much discussion about the harms and ills that American leaders have brought on our county at large and how the misuse of trust afforded the m by American people lead to one of the greatest economic down turns since the Great Depression.Leaders failed to take responsibility to any and all part that they played in creating and environment of greed and corruption neither in our government nor in our work place. It is their sense at times that only the average persons are to be held accountable for their actions or lack of. Part of the problem in our leadership[ is how we select them . often times its based on their abilities, education, organizational skills, ability to delegate, but rarely are we using a more natural guideline to choose them by, such as their character, which encompasses not only their ability but their moral consciousness.Basically we have to look beyond the structural part of leadership and more at the intangibles such as the spiritualistic side of leadership, the wholesomeness of it and the accountab ility. It has to be humanistic attributes such as being responsible, modest, courageous, honesty, and the belief in fair play; spiritual qualities such as faith in self and higher power, caring about and consideration for others, self control, devotion and such. These traits along with organizational skills when applied with proper alance form the most greatest of leadership which would ultimately equate to the greatest of success. Theory: Conflict Theory Conflict Theory studies the causes of crime within a society. For the good of the society, standards of morality are imposed by the justice system. Throughout the book the author gives reason to our economic downfall. He put the blame on the leadership in place not making correct moral, ethical and responsible decisions. One example is from chapter 8 when he speaks about major companies such as Enron and World Com who have had a major impact on our economic plummet.It also be no worthy to mention he also suggests some fault on the people who put these leaders in place to begin with. Methodology: Bibliography The author did extensive research on each key points in the book. He incorporated some of Sociologies most respected members such as Jon Witt, Richley Crapo and Robin Williams Jr. Through his research he collectively combined the various thoughts into one seamless idea of how America has been affected by poor leadership. He also used his research to find key components of how to be an effective leader by virtue of morality, humility and ethics.Strengths: I. One strength was the simplicity in which it was written. It read very easily and some how kept the same theme throughout. Enjoyable reading. II. Very informative, educational, thought provoking and diverse in its use of different references and subject matter. Weaknesses: I. One weakness might be there seems to be an overly cynical outlook of American leadership at large. II. Another might be, some chapters left you wanting for more. In other words, it is so good while you are reading you want more information on that particular topic. Conclusion:In summation good leadership must always be in harmony with servitude and have little or no tolerance for arrogance. In chapter 8, a good example of arrogance vs. humbleness is a driver who is lost. The arrogant motorist would refuse to stop and get directions and end up miles away from his destination. While the more humble motorist will stop to seek direction and be quickly put on the proper road. A leader who posses most of these characteristics such as humility, altruism, soft power, gratitude, and the like will lead to a life of success in the organization.Particularly when he possesses a moral compass that mandates he use fairness and compassion in his/her approach to leadership. This person would resist any temptation to be greedy, selfish, egotistical, maniacal or harsh. One change for the future, there will be more accountability expected from our leadership. They will be more c losely monitored, more checks and balances, much tighter regulations, more overview boards, less bureaucracy, more punitive penalties and laws will be imposed.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Cotton Came to Harlem
Chester Himes Cotton Comes to Harlem was a great work of art, a detective novel of the American blaxploitation era in which the characters would be considered flamboyantly â€Å"super black†individuals. In the days where everyone was a ‘soul brother’ and ‘jive turkey’, or ‘bad mamma jamma’. The case to be solved in the book surrounded the accidental â€Å"delivery†of a bale of cotton to a neighborhood in Harlem, New York, far too set in the north for there to have ever been raw, unprocessed cotton there.The bale of cotton is used to steal nearly one hundred thousand dollars swindled from the Harlem constituency of a dirty, underhanded, slick talking preacher and after the bale is stuffed with the money and misplaced it is found by a beggar and then chased throughout the tale. Although there was a ridiculous amount of racism present in this work there was also some fairly hidden aspects of racial solidarity.Whereas all of the whit e police officers and detectives were racists against and clearly suspicious of Detectives â€Å"Coffin†and â€Å"Gravedigger†their immediate supervisor, the Sergeant whose name escapes me, was immensely supportive and understanding. He realized the situation that their department was dealing with and how important it was for Coffin and Gravedigger to be the ones to handle it, asserting that it was just their type of justice that was needed in such an instance and that they had a very particular way of going about the duties of their position.What is like the most controversial portion of this work is the underlying discussion of the Back to Africa Movement and the theme of African American solidarity (my second favorite part). I was extremely impressed with the attention that Himes gave to distinguishing the importance of finding and returning the money that was stolen because it was the hard-earned money of impoverished African Americans who had given all that they had and more; literally their last dollars or penny, to this preacher with a silver tongue because they felt he was the person to lead them to the â€Å"promised land†.They believed in this man and put a lot of stock in his words and alleged beliefs. He gave them hope and a vision that they felt they could have faith in. The Back to Africa Movement is an unfortunate dilemma which caught my attention having done some research on and not being a fan of Marcus Garvey for having turned out to be quite similar to the pastor in this tale. An immeasurably flawed being of great charisma in search of every dime he could get. I was disappointed in the â€Å"selling of a dream†but very pleased with the way in which Himes formed, developed and presented this character.The thing that I by far loved most about this book was the fact that it was a bale of cotton full of money. It could have been anything on this earth, a steal bucket sealed shut, a large suitcase or locked box but it wasn’t, it was a bale of cotton – the same soft and beautiful substance that kept African Americans oppressed for so many years working on plantations to harvest it. I thought the symbolism in the young lady dancing; celebrating what it meant was absolutely beautiful. It meant the overcoming of subjugation and inferiority.This longstanding symbol of oppression had turned into a symbol of hope, not for an entire race but at least for the impoverished community where it had been â€Å"lost†. I would guess that not many people saw the significance in Himes using a bale of cotton, or the fact that he was the one to write the book at all, but I did. Chester Himes was born in 1909, right after the turn of the century, soon after the abolition of slavery and right there during peak sharecropping times. I felt like cotton was something that had a stronghold on so many people for so long.Working in cotton fields was among African Americans greatest struggles, if not t he greatest of African American struggles. Cotton throughout history has signified African American oppression, but when cotton came to Harlem, it signified hope and financial freedom. I didn’t like the movie when I saw it years ago, but I am now glad that I was able to read the book. I thought it was great ad I would definitely recommended it to anyone who is interested in the underlying aspects of the African American struggle being celebrated as they are overcome.
My Blueprint of Professional and Personal Growth
This paper is my analytic theorem to my Blueprint of Professional and Personal Growth from the course â€Å"Managing People & Promoting Collaboration†. It gives a brief breakdown of my path to become a manager I aspire to be, how my relationship with my family, partner and work can be a root of my happiness and how sure I maintain my personal integrity of ethics and morales within my work environment.An executive summary is presented to show how the course educated me in a more systematic way and how it helped me identify my strengths and weakness as a manager, how I can build a functional team, managing team and teams in virtual environment, building a team charter and etc†¦ Furthermore, in detail is one goal I added to my previous goals I identified in the previous course â€Å"Dynamic Leadership†, that I plan to achieve in my personal and professional development.Executive SummaryThroughout this course, Managing People & Promoting Collboration has educated and e nlightened me in four aspects – how to manage people, how to build a successful team, how to select a strategy to use in supporting a positive work environment and creating & sustaining culture in organization. Managing people can be natural as well as an acquired skill. Due to human nature that is ever changing and evolving, management also in order to be effective must also be evolving and be able to accommodate dynamicity. As this course exposed me to so many different concepts, theories and strategies in building a functional team, team work and fostering collaboration.I was able to identify my strength and weakness as a team leader which actually can aid as well as can hamper my ability to manage. Thought-provoking topics we covered during the eight (8) weeks ranging from finding an effective manager; ensuring effective communication in organizations; handling difficult conversations; motivating others & personal motivation and purpose; strategies required to motivate team members; giving effective feedback; forming a team & selecting members; building a team charter; building functional teams; managing diverse teams and teams in a virtual environment; my role as an effective collaborator; ethical challeneges and legal risks of being a manager; creating a sustainable organization; strategies, theories and concepts on promoting a positive work environment and being a manager that’s a dynamic leader.Two elements that improved my understanding of managing people and fostering collaboration is effective communication and vulnerability based trust. The key to effective communication within team members is the context of the information. â€Å"Team members, therefore, must be aware of what, where, and when to communicate information to achieve effective and efficient outcomes†(McComb, 2012). Furthermore a team with a creative behavior creates an environment that could compel them to work with determination. Being able to make a difficul t task look like a fun game, the ability to challenge each other’s ideas in order for a new idea to arise and to be innovative.â€Å"When teams engage in creative behavior, their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions†(Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson, 2013). Also having energetic persona within the team keeps the team in rhythm and enables the team members to make spontaneous decisions – energetic persons have the natural powers of conviction and are able to communicate to others their point of view openly and with acuity. Most importantly, building vulnerability based trust according to Lencioni, â€Å"This means that members of a cohesive, functional team must learn to comfortably and quickly acknowledge, without provocation, their mistakes, weaknesses, failures, and needs for help.They must also readily recognize the strengths of others, even when those strengths exceed their own†(Lencioni, 2003). Such a trust enables the team to work with each other recognizing and admitting their strengths and weakness and they accept each other’s challenge as a lesson or an experience to their skills and not as an offence. Learning to be humble and show humility with each other will lead to successful team collaboration. This will enable the team to accept others point of view with keenness and also allow them to face any hindrances and challenges with diplomacy.Moreover, this course assisted me in learning how to create a team charter in which it has showed me my strength and weakness. A Team Charter helps â€Å"team members recognize their complementary skills, their common purpose, common goals, and mutual accountability†(Byrd & Luthy, 2010, p. 14). It made me understand how to be prepared for any arising conflicts and how to manage it. †Conflict management works best when the parties involved in a disagreement are equipped to managing it themselves†(Weiss & Hughes, 2005). I also learnt the importance of feedback and feed forward. â€Å"Feedforward helps people envision and focus on a positive future, not a failed past†(Goldsmith, 2002). How it puts the employees in a check list in order to spot where they are wrong and perform better.â€Å"Effective feedback helps the coachee see the gap between intended performance and actual performance†(Payne, V. 2007). The requirements needed to excel and improve in their workforce. †Employees can provide useful input on the effective of procedures and processes and as well as input to managers on their leadership effectiveness†(Goldsmith, 2002). I believe that I can be more impactful to organizations due to my improved understanding by the way I can improve team building and team work as well as forster collaboration among collegues. I would also be able to be impactful as a manager who is able to lead, a leader who is able to communicate effectively, and one who can motivate others, a good manager that has an inspiring values following with ethics and morales at work and with the team memebrs; most importantly I can be a leader who can manage people and resources of an organization effectivtely and efficiently.â€Å"Some of the most critical decisions a manager makes involve personal values- how much emphasis to place on the immediate interests of the customer or the long-term interests of the company†(Posner, 2009). The understanding of effective communication has changed the way I view the job of a manager and the way I can practice collaboration in the organization because it has made me realize that the manager is not just a post or position but a responsibility taken upon oneself to utilize resources in an organization and to make sure that every individual under his control is aware and equipped with all the necessary information and that communication flows to and fro management to employees and between employees in oder to keep all parties involved in tune with organization’s objectives and targets.My goals to be successful and finish with my MBA in the nearest future has grown even more stronger and this course has exposed me to the possibility of using other people to achieve these goals by learning from them and openining myself to opinions of others. Taking advices as well as giving advices to others that have problems and learning from the results. In other words, this course taught me how to feed forward effectively. â€Å"Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things.†â€Å"Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It improves responsibility.†– Peter DruckerLive, Learn & Loveâ€Å"The worm on the hook for the fish†– I stated this in my previous post as my motivational theme. The desire to achieve the goal and knowing what needs to be done to achieve that goal. The truth is I don’t know if I would be happy in my career, but I do enjoy and d o know that I want to be happy in any field I choose to be in and give a hundread percent to achieveing things expected of me. Being a manager must start with me being able to first manage myself, because if I can not take charge of things around me that are available to me and motivate myself to be the best I can be with the resources at my disposal then it would definitely be unnatural to manage others.And I can be that manager I aspire to be by gradually practicing and building on myself and then applying it to with others. I have to show others that I can lead and manage and that I believe in myself- by coaching and teaching them through what I have learnt and through my experiences. I must say it is an uneasy task to lead and manage especially when it comes to a diversity workforce of gender, qualifications, ethnicities and etc†¦ But I like the challenege as it gves me joy and eagerness into gaining more experience, learning openly without fear of making mistakes and enabl e me to make the right decisions. No relationship is perfect, I argue with my spouse and family at times and yet they are the one’s I seek advices and support from. I love them and they love me and we want to keep loving each other and pushing each other to attain the best things we want to acheive in life and more.My father taught me that family comes first and there is no joy if there is no family bond. Nothing is perfect and what makes the thrill of the bond to be unbreakable is all those arguments and laughter after that. What makes me sure that I can be happy with my partner and family is because first and foremost, I want to be happy and remain that way with what I have. Though there would be differences and clashes at times because no one and nothing is perfect, I know that we can always try to make each other content and importantly, as long as we keep trying, that’s really want counts.Regardless of the fact that I may not be able to see or have enough time for my partner and my family am just glad that technology beats it all in bringing me close to them through phone calls, emails, skype and other applications. I for one can not please or make everyone happy, but to sustain my relationship with my family, partner and work I try as much as possible to separate my professional life from my personal life and also as I give my full time to my work I also have to give sometime for my personal matters. When it comes to intergrity, personal morales and ethics, I have come to realize that when in Rome, behave as the Romans would at the same time having standarnds and limits to what you can accept from others that are not ethically accepted by you is important.In business it is no new thing to get dirty for the greater good of the organization like to lobby or tell white lies; like hyping in other to make the organization have a favorable postion but at the same time safety, health and respect should never be compromised. I would as a leader work for the interest of the organization and push on to hit its projected targets but would pull the plug when its target are harmful and could end up bringing more loss then profit to the myself, the organization and its employees. Moreover, instilling humility and fairness is an important factor of my values in giving me a firm stand of integrity.Of course as a leader of a hospitality company I do make aware to my staff about policies and rules in order to control any unforeseen unethical behavior. Strategies that I am using at the moment in my organization as well as my personal life is firstly to communicate effectively – from the article of â€Å"Difficult Conversations†by Christensen, K 2011; feedforwad instead of feedback; the five (5) basic conditions to maintain an effective team by Coutu & Beschloss, 2009; building trust – vulnerability based trust by Lencioni, 2003 and the 4Rs of motivation by Maccoby,M 2010.The shared practices within the forum, he lped me to be more analytical and logic. Reading from my peers their diverse experience and goals, not only powered me to achieve more, open other types of companies, listen more, better creative ideas, but most importantly they give me the â€Å"determination†in achieving them without fear and be prepared to face predicted challenges. My passion driven for the purpose; as the previous course â€Å"Dynamic Leadership†has taught me the dynamic styles of leadership due to dynamic personalities a leader have to encounter when leading others. This combined with Managing people & promoting collboation have broadened my goals and how I would develop my action plan.Action PlansDuring the shared practices and articles read during the eight (8) weeks of the course â€Å"Managing People & Promoting Collaboration†and the previous course â€Å"Dynamic Leadership†, I was able to build an action plan that I was taught from my previously. This has helped me see th ings more clearly and able to establish a clear game-plan and clarify my goals as a leader. Moreover, I was able to draw out many short and long term goals and have them prioritized. From the action plan that I have set, it is much easier to ride the wave of my success. As it is a stimulating elemenet that drives my passion for the purpose as I excel in my performance and also help others excel in theirs. Below is a new goal added to my list of the other goals I have planned previously.New Goal : My new goal is to improve my ability to motivate myself as well as others. My aim is to understand the personality traits of each employee and how they interact together; by identifying their strengths and weakness and coaching them if the need be. Motivation internal and external is a great factor that fuels the urge to achieve the unachievable. â€Å" Men and women want to do a good job, a creative job and if they are provided the proper environment, they will do so.†– Bill Hewlett – Co-founder, Hewlett-PackardObejctive 1: Self MotivationMilestones: a. Set mini goals or mini targets. This will aid me achieve a fraction of the major goal I have set. So this will actually help me feel like I am accomplishing something and I am moving forward in a bid to attain the entire target. Milestones: b. Positive mental attitude & enthusiasm to work. By avoiding negative feelings and persistently focus on the positive and eyes on the target. By talking to inspiring people or listening to new ideas. Being enthusiastic in finishing the mission; maintaining a healthy work and life balance. Obejctive 2: Motivating OthersMilestones: a. Mountain of vote of confidence. By making them aware that I am confident in the team members ability in getting the work done. Keeping things in perspective. According to Christensen article, Frederick Herzberg stated â€Å"the powerful motivator in our lives isn’t money, it’s the opoortunity to learn, grow in respo nsibilities, contribute to others and be recognized for achievements†(Christensen, 2010) Milestones: b. Recognition for those who portray exemplary attitudes in aiding the team, achieve its goals as well as also a collective reward for the teams success.Below is my previous goals I have listed in my previous course â€Å"Dynamic Leadership†. Goal 1 : My first goal as I mentioned in the post of week 7, is to successfully improve and expand the hotel industry that I am leading. My aim is to attract more customers and offer quality services. My calculated time frame for this is between 2 to 3 years.Obejctive 1: To do this I have to achieve my MBA within 2 years. Milestones: a. Implementation of new approaches and different leadership styles.Although with these time set objectives, there are other points that  will stay for a long term such as building team work that involves  shared goals, productivity and problem solving. b. Professional training: A period of 6 mon ths period will be  offered for advanced staff training to a more higher professional  level. With this knowledge I would be able to help guide the  people I lead, share with them my experiences and foremost  improve myself personally and professionally. Obejctive 2: Improve many features within the hotel industry which will take 6 to 9 months. Milestones: a. Establishing flexibility to access: Such as improve the quality of  services, improve the advertisement criteria by subscribing to  different online booking websites like .com or  Expedia and also spreading of flyers to the airport and other public  vicinity – cafeterias, malls or supermarkets. b. Enlargement of infrastructure or amenities by increasing more  rooms and provide other facilities such as business center, spa and  gym which this will take approximately a year or so to put that into  settlement.Goal 2 : Obtain another MBA degree in Marketing to be achieved in th e commencement of the 3rd to 5th years. Obtaining more degrees may open doors to so many opportunities such as becoming more effective, more strategic, more developed, more crtitical thinking and be able to progress more strengthing my pillars in the realm of my business.Obejctive 1: To do this I have make a thorough research on the subject. Milestones: a. This is a milestone itself to plan to have another MBA degree in Marketing. I would do researches on the subject through the  internet or library or articles And also seek vices from my  academic advisor. b. Seek opinions and advices from family, friends, peers, colleagues  at work and most importantly from my academic advisor. More  prominently to know how this MBA, if pursued how it could be a  transition to effectively prepare for a career progression or a career direction.Obejctive 2: Time Management & Finances Milestones: a. Being that I am already pursuing an MBA degree I have to virtually draw a schedule betw een work, family , MBA – Project Management , Upcoming MBA – Marketing and myself. It is  essential that I don’t cram myself up and know if there is a  possibility I could pursue it comfortably. In the case if I did I would end up being workaholic plus MBA-holic. b. Financing my education wont be that much of a problem, being there is so many possibilities that I could fund my MBA. By  loaning from my income, family help maybe but may not be  needed, bank loan or a financial aid if applicableGoal 3 : Finally my last and ultimately crucial goal is to develop and enhance myself. After taking the Personal Values Survey, I was able to identify my eakness and would like to transform it into strength.Obejctive 1: Improve my communication skills with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Milestones: a. Improvement of communication skills, strengthening my  presentation as well as the way I carry myself in the business world  as well as in the society. b. Improve my ability to get information to and fro, people of diverse culture and background in a clear, accurate and concise manner that would enable my messages to be clear and easy to understand. As in straight to the point, simple and understandable.Obejctive 2: To be more courageous Milestones: a. Build my courage esteem to venture into opportunities, ask questions and have a stand in decision making. b. To instill the valor to follow what I believe. As well as having a personal and professional evaluation of things. Moreover I want to  have the courage to believe in my judgements and my intuition on business and other important decisions.As implied above, by achieving the goals and others I am planning for, I see and believe that these will help me advance to the next higher level and more professional. There is this quote that I stumbled across which resonated to me, â€Å"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.†– Vince Lombardi. I couldn’t agree less to this quote, because your team portrays you and vice versa, therefore in order to be an exemplary leader for your people to look up to, one would have to be a genuine leader who is wise, modest, trustworthy and fair; to be supportive, to allow them the initiative, to involve them and to be true.I am aware of all the possible obstacles that could delay me and cause hindrance but I believe if you want to achieve something you will have to be well prepared to face the challenges ahead. Therefore, from the knowledge I have gained from this course, Managing People & Promoting Collaboration, not only it has heightened my beliefes but also give me the power to advance to another level I was not expecting to heed. My dad said, â€Å"Nothing comes easy†¦ To dream and to talk is free†¦ To achieve it requires your utmost effort and preparedness†.Therefore, I am de termined with trust and belief that together with my team I will achieve my goal with full passion and nothing is going to hold me back. A good relevant quote that shares the same point, â€Å"There’s nothing anyone can do to prevent you from reaching your potential; the challenge is for you to identify your dream, develop the skills to get there, and exhibit character and leadership. Then you need to have the courage to periodically reassess, make adjustments, and pursue a course that reflects who you truly are†(Kaplan, 2008).
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